First I Love You's

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I woke up, eyes heavy from crying. I was sure I looked a mess. I would've forgotten I was at Ben's house if it weren't for his bear hug of a sleeping position. Honestly, I should've expected this because his love language is definitely touch. I could barely move. Peeling his fingers off one by one, I tried to escape quietly. I didn't want to bother him. After all woke him up in the middle of the night and then took half of his bed. I had just made it to his bedroom door, but was stopped when Ben shot up in bed.

"Onde você está indo, meu amor (where are you going, my love)?"

I turned towards him. "I'm leaving. You need rest and I already woke you up in the middle of the night. I'll call you later." I said with a slight smile before turning back to leave. I was feeling better today, maybe I was just overreacting before.

He scrambled out of bed. "Alia, stay. You aren't bothering me. I feel fine. Tell me what happened." Ben grabbed my hand gently and walked me back to the bed.

I hesitantly and quickly explained everything. "You know, Ben, I think I'm just overreacting. I was just scared. I already took some time off and you and I both have work tomorrow, so I think it's best I leave." I said before I let him talk.

"Work?" He laughed in frustration. "You're going back to work with that...that...desgraçado!?"

"I can't just not show up. I have patients to see and paperwork that needs to get done." I try to calm him down. "He got a mark on his record, so the authorities know, but there isn't much I can do. Plus, I miss everyone."

He paced around the room. "You could've told me. You could've stayed with me sooner. Am I scary? Do you not trust me?"

I didn't understand until now that he was upset because he felt like I didn't love him or trust him enough to tell him. I walked over to him. "Bencio, I love you. Of course you aren't scary and of course I trust you. I just didn't know how to tell you. I didn't even tell my parents. The only person who knows is Kim and that's only because she was in the office when it happened. I was only scared because he said he knew where I lived and I thought he was going to come after me. I didn't want to burden you and make you feel like you had to open up your house because we're neighbors and we're dating."

"I love you, Alia. I'm just sorry you felt that way, but don't ever think you are a burden to me because you aren't and you never will be. I love you." He leaned down to kiss me and the kiss turned into a hug. We hugged for a long time and it felt right.

"I'm still mad he's coming back to the office" He said.

"Same here, but I'll be okay. I promise." I reassured him.

Benicio kissed me again. "I know this is a horrible situation, but should sleepover more often. I like you in my bed." He laughed. And yeah, I laughed too.

"Benicio, stop acting like a 15 year old boy." I hit him with a pillow from the bed.

He scooped me up in bridal style. "Come, meu amor. Let me make you breakfast."

And off to the kitchen we went.


Honestly, this is one of my favorite chapters! Benicio is so sweet. I hope you guys like it as much as I do! Any ideas for what should happen next? What do you see in their future?

Also, I really just want this book to be about Alia living life. Yes, I will try to add stuff that's a little bit more than your average day, but lots of people don't always have something going on in their life. I'm trying to keep it somewhat real.

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