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Alia POV

Damn. He is fine and so is that accent of his. But that's not relevant.

After Ben leaves, I watch him walk back to his house. I don't mean to stalk, but he's worth looking at. He probably wouldn't want someone like me anyways.

I don't even know why I'm thinking like this. We are NEIGHBORS. There can be no further relationship other than friendly. Period.

I contemplate this idea for a few minutes, but realize I need to get the cake out of the oven. I hope it's good.

For the rest of the day Alex and I munch on pizza and cake, along with some other unhealthy junk too. I cut up some pieces for him to take to school for his teacher and his friends and we head to the car to drive him home.

Moms house

"Hey guys! How are you? Did you have a fun time at Alias house?" My mom asks.

"We sure did mom. We ordered pizza and made some cake for his teacher and his friends."I say

"And guess what, mom?" Alex says. "This guy stopped by too. He's Alia's new neighbor or the other way around." He looks at me grinning.

"Hmmm." My mom chimes in.

"Yes, his name is Ben." I say.

"And...?" Mom says trying to pull information.

"And what? He's my neighbor. Not my boyfriend." I laugh.

"Boyfriend?" Dad says appearing from the kitchen.

"You know what. I'm going to leave. Alex, have a great day at school and enjoy the cake. Love you guys!"

My house

I'm sitting around watching tv on my couch. I left the office early. I needed a break. As I was scrolling through comments on the spongebob meme account when I hear a knock at the door.

I open the door.

"Ben?" I say as I unlock the screen door and welcome him inside.

"Hi, Alia." He looks at me with his soft eyes.

I smile. "Hi. Do you need something?" I say light-heartedly. He couldn't be here for me...I think.

"No, no. I just stopped by to say hello and bring you..." He reaches to the side and pulls out Starbucks coffee. "Coffee?...which I hope you drink."

I laugh "Yes. I do drink coffee. Please come in."

"It's coffee from my home country, Brazil. We call it "Cafezinho". I hope you like it. If you don't it is perfectly okay."

"No. Please! I'll try it. I like trying new things. I've never had a Brazilian coffee before."

I reach for the glasses in the cabinets and set them on the counter. He pours the coffee. He hands me my glass. Our hands touch, but he pulls away quickly. Maybe he's not into me- that's not the point Alia. He just came over to give you coffee. After all your neighbors.

The phone rings.

I answer it.

"Hello. It's Eric."
"Oh hi! Dr. Craster. What do you need?"
"We need to go over some paperwork. One of your patients is getting an emergency surgery tomorrow. I know it is your half-day. Do you want to meet somewhere tonight?
"Oh. Um. Sure. Where?"
"What about my house?"
"Um I don't think that's-"
"Okay, your house."
"Sure 6:30?"
"Perfect Alia. It's a date. See you tonight."
"It's not a-"

"Sorry about that. Let me try the drink." I take a sip. "It tastes... really good! I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but this is great. It's surprisingly sweet.Thank you for bringing it over. I guess I can cross this off my bucket list now." We both laugh.

"I am glad you like it."

"I have a question. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but why did you leave Brazil?" I ask. I was curious.

He seemed off after I asked that, but he got himself together.

"I needed a fresh start. My parents are into things that I have no business in. And plus I have a job in marketing and I figured the U.S could use my handy skills." He chuckles and sips his drink. "Anyway. It is my turn to ask a question." He stares into my eyes and smirks.

"Okay. Ask away." I say.


Yo guys! Sorry it's taking me FOREVER to write, but I'm trying. PLEASE VOTE OR COMMENT!! Or do both🤗

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