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I wake up with Alia on my mind and I can't get over last night. With her soft lips on mine...Damn! I wish she would've stayed the night, but she's not like that and I am grateful for that or else I don't think I would be able to trust her as much as I do.

I peek outside the window hoping she would still be getting ready for Alex's game so I could see her one last time before she goes. Luckily I get a quick look at her as she is getting in the car. Beautiful.

*phone rings*

I look at the screen. It's mama. Not in the mood.

"Hello mama. How are you?" I ask

"Que bobagem é essa outra garota? Você sabe quanto tempo levou para seu pai dizer uma palavra gentil sobre você. Você é um menino egoísta (what is this other girl nonsense? You know how long it took your father to say a kind word about you. You are a selfish boy)!"

"Stop it! Mama, I moved here to start a fresh life and start new. That includes a new person for me to love. I'm not a little boy." I say

"So who is the girl? What is her name? Background? Is she Brazilian? Is she fair? Is she wealthy? Tell me?"

"Her name is Alia and that is all you need to know."

"Is she Brazlian?"

"No, mama." I mumble.

"Is she fair? European?" Mama snoops.

"No, mama." Goodbye." I say fast and close the phone.

She is going to flip.


I walk over to Alia's house and hope that she isn't busy.

Alia greets me with a smile. "Hey! What's up?"

"Hey Ben" I look around from where the sound came from and it's Alex on the couch.

"Hi, is this a bad time?" I ask, hoping it isn't.

"Of course not. Please! Come in. Come in." She goes over to get a glass from the kitchen. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" She asks.

"Uh. I'd hate to impose." I say shaking my head.

She walks over to me, "You're not imposing. I asked you, silly." She hands me the glass. "Now, what would you like to drink?" She grins and motions me over to the table.

"Water would be great." I smile and sit down.

As she walks over to the fridge, I get a nice glimpse of her butt. Damn. Alia is just naturally sexy. She's got it all.

"Alia, I want you to know my full name isn't Ben. It's Benicio." I kinda hate that name. I don't know why I told her now, but it seemed right.

She turns around with a smile. "Really? I love your name." She looks at me in silence and tilted her head. "It fits perfectly."

"I hate it. Only my family calls me Benicio." I say honestly. 

"I love it, but I will call you Ben if you hate it that much."

"For you, you can call me whatever you want." I grin sexily and pucker my lips.

Alia laughed and patted my cheek. "Well, We are having breakfast for dinner. Which means pancakes, eggs and bacon."

"Sounds great." I reply. I walk over to her and kiss her, taking the plate out of her hand and sit it down on the counter. She was hesitant. "What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong at all, I'm just getting used to kissing someone. I don't want to mess this up and rush it. I've only been with 2 other people before you, so I don't know everything about relationships. Not that we're a thing or anything." She seemed like she had done something wrong.

"The other night you were perfect. I love your lips." She grinned. I was shocked that a woman so pretty as her had only been with 2 people.

"Well, thank you." She bowed. "I loved yours as well".

I want to take things to the next level, Alia." I say out of the blue.

" far are we talking?" She asks with a confused expression.

"Since I know you will eventually be my wife, why don't you be my girlfriend for a while?" I ask her.

She turns around and smiles with a grin. "You can't predict the future, ya know?" She replies. "And I've only known you for two weeks. You asked me out and now you want me to be your girlfriend, but you can supposedly see the future and that is me as your wife. Don't you think you're acting a"

"First, you never said I wasn't right about you being my wife and second..." I grab her hand gently. "I know you're the one I want to be with."

"Ben, I think you're crazy, but I'll be your girlfriend. Just because you come up with crazy explanations for everything and you make me laugh" she kisses me on the cheek.

"You love me, but you just don't know it yet!." I kiss her again. This time with more force, like I mean it. She kisses me back, but I take control showing her how much I want her to not be afraid.
This chapter is a little longer. I usually write shorter ones because I don't want people to not read my story because it's so long. But, I tried something different! Hope ya enjoy!

Leave a comment down below if you see a mistake or think I should add anything to the story!!

, Laur

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