Feeling Feelings

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*= trigger warning begins and ends (SA)

I'm currently at work and it's pretty busy, filled with patients in the waiting room. I'm trying to concentrate, but after last night it's been pretty hard to do anything but think about Ben and what happened and my feelings for him. It's like my feelings have intensified 100 times more than what they were before.

I know it's a little early, but I'm kinda falling in love or something. If this is what love feels like. The bad thing about this is that Kim has been on my butt since I've been at work because I'm "out of it". Which I am.

Speaking of Kim, she pops her head in my office. "Hey. You have a minute to talk?" She's grinning so this can't be good. She's onto me.

"Of course, girl. But what about the patients?" I ask, concerned she's getting ahead of herself.

""The patients", "the patients". Listen to yourself." Kim sits down in the chair across from my desk. "Spill."

My eyes widen. "What are you talking about?" I say dumbly.

"Tell me what happened with Ben. You are obviously still out of it! Something must've happened last night if it's causing you to ask like this today. Tell!"

I sigh, knowing that the act is over. "Okay." I get up to close the office door. "I think I'm falling in love!" I instantly cringed at the fact I said that, but Kim was quietly jumping and squealing.

"Tell. Me. Everything."

"I don't know. I think things are moving too fast. I went to his place. I met his family...well not his immediate family. I think he's keeping something from me about them. We went out to dinner. We went dancing. And then I went back to his place where we made out for a long time and I told him I wanted to take things slow." I take a breath. "He told me he's willing to wait, but maybe this is a bad idea!"

"What are you talking about! Alia, stop talking yourself out of love. This guy seems amazing! He's willing to wait until YOU are ready and take things slow with YOU. And on your terms too. Except, you need to see what's up with him and his immediate family. We don't play when it comes to future mother and father-in-laws and siblings. But seriously, Alia, you need to just go with the flow and stop having second thoughts every time a guy is interested in you."

"I'm trying! I really am." Which I am.

"I know you are." She gives me a hug.

"Girl, when I met his cousins and aunts they all thought I was having his baby! HAHA"

"Really! Ahh!" She takes a long pause and smiles. "You know what that means right?"

"What? That they think I'm a skank??"

"Pluh-eez. That means he's serious about you. So serious that when he brought you to see his family, they thought you were having a baby. Embrace this! For me, at least."

"I'll embrace it for you and myself." I truly believed that.

"So...when can I meet this mannn?" Kim says in a sing-songy voice, dancing a bit.

"Calm yourself." I said while dancing too.

A knock at the door stops us from getting jiggy and we immediately freeze. While laughing, of course.

"Come in." I say professionally. I grin at Kim.

Dr. Craster steps from behind the door. Oh boy. After that weird encounter with him I don't know what to expect.

"Alia, can I speak with you?" He asks as he makes piercing eye contact with me. "If that's okay with you, Kim?"

"Totally okay, I need to get back anyway." She heads out, but not before mouthing "call me".
"Alia, I actually have some files I need you to come look at in my office. Do you mind?"

"No, not at all. Let's go."

He walks behind me as I walk to his office. I'm really just hoping this goes somewhat well. We reach his office and he shuts the door behind him. I take a seat and wait for him to start.

"I want to thank you again for allowing me to come to your house to work on some work last minute."

Wow. I was not expecting this. "No problem. It was good we got the work done when we did." And I wasn't expecting that answer to come from my mouth either.

"I honestly wanted you to talk to you because I wanted to ask to dinner." He licks his lips slowly.

That is definitely the cherry on top of the whole "not expecting this" thing.

"Listen, Dr. Craster, I think you're a really nice guy, a great guy, but I have a boyfriend and you're my boss, so even if anything could happen it would be too weird. At least in my opinion." I think that's probably the nicest tone I've used in all my years. I tried to be genuine and caring, but in reality I do not want him. At. All.

I just let him down. He folds his hands and starts. "When did you start seeing someone?"

Is this an interrogation now? Let me be civil real quick so I can keep my job. After all, he is my boss. "A little less than a year. Why?"

"Alia, I have been trying to be with you since you started working here. And now you're with someone else. That isn't fair. Isn't it?"

"Well, different people click with different people. No shade to you, seriously. The right person came along for me when I needed them to. Life, you know. I really am not trying to come across as mean. I'm just speaking my truth." I don't even know what's going on anymore. Like wth? "Dr. Craster, I have to go finish some paperwork and meet with a few patients soon. I hope we can still be cordial with no hard feelings involved." I get up. He gets up too.


"You knew I loved you and you went and whored around with some other guy!." He yells as he grabs my arm.

"What are you doing? GET OFF." I knee him in the balls and try to run but my coat gets stuck on the chair. As I'm trying to release my coat, he slams me against the wall. I'm facing the wall and he forces my hands behind my back. He begins to caress my butt and boobs, while slowly dry humping me.

"Why are you doing this? Just accept it!" I scream. I finally get out of his grip and kick him in the stomach. I ran down the hallway to get away not knowing what I should do next.

"I know where you live, bitch!." he yells again as I continue to run away.


My heart starts racing. I totally forgot. How could I be so stupid?? But then again, how was I supposed to know my boss was violent and overbearing? I wasn't.

I went to Kim and told her what happened. We called the police and they escorted him out. I had to go with them to get so I could write my statement. Kim said she would call HR to get a replacement boss. She even told me I should think about getting a restraining order. And I did just that.

For some reason I felt responsible for that happening. I don't know why, but I knew in the back of my head he didn't have good intentions, but he was my boss. I didn't want any trouble. I'm thankful I got away when I did.


I decide to go home after finalizing everything with the police, including getting a restraining order. Kim was calling for what seemed like the 30th time to make sure I was okay and honestly, I was. If my coat hadn't been caught in the chair, I could've gotten away sooner, but you can't plan for everything. I just didn't know how I was going to tell Ben because my emotions on the inside are written all over my face. I think he deserves to know and I trust him, but maybe later.


Hope you all liked this chapter!! Sorry it's been taking forever! I'm trying to write more, but finding the time to post is the thing. I kinda have to keep this thing hush hush from my parents and I know they wouldn't love me on Wattpad 😗✌🏾 Much love to all of you! Stay healthy!

Sorry I reused the same photo of Dr. Craster! I can't remember the name of the guy's pic I used!

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