Ask Her?

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She is so beautiful, but I don't know if she would be into me.

"Why did you and your son move here?" I pray he's not her son. Although, if he is I hope he wouldn't mind a few more children in the house.

"Haha. He's not my son, he's my brother. Well, adoptive, but it's all the same. He's 10 and he's from England." She's still laughing at my question.

I really want her, but I don't know what my family would say and what she would say or what would happen.

"Ben, I just realized I have to pick up a package from the post office for work! Can we take a rain check?"

"Of course, Alia." I head to the door.

" must bring me a Cafezinho." She whispers and then laughs. "It was delicious. Thank you for coming."

"It was a pleasure. Goodbye" I wave.


I get home and immediately take a cold shower. To know who. I think I am going to ask Alia on a date. I don't know how my family would feel, but it is my life. Right? Alia makes me laugh and is so personable. She's great with kids which is great because I am probably going to get her pregnant at least 4 times. Fuck! I don't know what to do! What if she's already got a boyfriend?? I want her to feel the same way. I know my family most likely won't be okay with me dating a black woman or really anyone darker than beige and I'm not- wait fuck them. This is my life. My life! 

Tonight. I'll ask her tonight.

Sorry that the chapters are short but this is a short story. And I know Ben switched up real quick a the end, but I hadddd too 😋

Feel free to comment or leave critiques. Please vote! School is almost over so I'll be hoping to post more 😊😊

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