Ice Cream and Kissing

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I know the family adored Alia, but she looks awfully deep in thought. I'm sure she's nervous about being around my crazy family and their gossip.

"Benicio, what's the surprise?" She asks as I drive towards the brightly lit moon.

"Amor, it's called a surprise for a reason."

"Ugh! I need to know!" She stammers.

"You will when we get there," I say. "Calm down." She sits back and tries to relax.

"Are you upset because of my family?" I ask, wondering what could possibly be wrong with Meu Amor.

She faces me while I drive "No! That's not it. I love them and I've just met them. They are really wonderful." She assures me, but I'm still not sold. I know my family loves her, especially my cousins.

I rest my hand on her thigh. She shifts, but I leave my hand there. "Tell me please!"

She smiles gently, "Benicio, nothing is wrong!" She turns her head back to the window looking at the scenery.

"In that case." I make a U-turn. I smile at her. "I have something else in mind." I laugh my evil laugh.

"What are you doing!?" Alia yells laughing at me.

"I told you! Relax." I rub her thigh gently. I lean over to kiss her. "There is nothing to worry about."

"With you there is nothing to NOT worry about!" She kisses me back and continues staring out the window.


"Why are we at your house?" Alia asks getting out of the car.

"I thought of something else. Don't worry, we're going to have fun!" I grab her waist as we make way to the front door.

I stand on the porch.

Alia looks at me puzzled. "Aren't you going to open the door?"

"I will. For a price." I lean closer whispering in her ear.

She leans in. "What is your price?" She whispers back with a grin.

"A kiss." I pucker up, lean forward and close my eyes. She gives me one kiss. "Is that all?" I open one eye.

She chuckles. "You never said how many. Now open the door." I do as she says and we make our way inside.

She lays on the couch. "Ahhhh. So nice." Alia says.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I say.

She smiles "Take your time. I'm you said."

She has no clue what's in store for her tonight. After about 10 minutes I come back to see her dozing off. She's so beautiful. I couldn't wait to do things to her, but that was for another day.

"Wake up, Meu Amor. It's time to start." She sits up with a furrowed brow. "I never said what we were doing." I hand her a big sweatshirt of mine.

" Think I'll miss you too much?" She is confused and of course, laughing.

"You're funny, Alia. Go change." I look at her with seriousness.

"Where are the pants?"

"Go change, please. It's gonna be fun, amor. I promise"

"Okay." She scurries to the bathroom. After a few minutes, she comes out. She is beautiful and her legs peeping out of the sweatshirt were making me hot all over. I lead her over to the kitchen table and have her sit. I hand her a blindfold. 

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