Extended Family

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^^older woman Alia talks to (read to find out!)

*7 months later *

Benicio and I have been dating for about 7 months and things are great. It's been low key because I'm not trying to rush anything. Plus, he's been busy with his citizenship and I've been busy at the office.

I've told my family that I'm seeing someone, but they haven't met him yet. Not that I don't think Ben and I aren't going to last, but I really don't want family to intervene right now. And I think he feels the same way, but he hasn't said why.

Alex is really happy that we are together and I'm pretty sure it's only because he sees Ben as an older brother, though he has one. Fletcher knows as well, but he's doing his own thing because he's still in college.

Anyways, I just got off of work and dropped Alex at my parents house. It was going to be the fifth day he would've slept over, but he never sleeps when he's over here. I'm too fun! So now I'm on my way home.

When I arrive at home I am greeted by a note at the door and a box. It reads.

Meu Amor (my love),

It would mean so much to me if you would wear this outfit I picked out for you to wear for dinner tonight. I think you'll love it. I'll pick you up at 7:30pm. I know you have had a long day at work, but it will be a fun night!


Okayyyyy. I was shocked. No one had ever done this for me before. I take the box into the house to my room. Inside was such a beautiful dress.

I wonder how much it cost. I have dresses in my closet. I felt bad, but it was his idea.

I get dressed and put on some eyeliner. I didn't do anything else because one: I don't know how and two: I didn't want to look like a clown. And with the skills I have, I was definitely going to look clown-ish.

This dress is definitely form fitting and I rarely wear form fitting clothes. Let's just say my features are a little too out there for me to feel comfy in these types of clothes, but if he bought it I am going to wear it. I hope he doesn't think I look bad. Ahhh.

I hear a knock at the door and quickly run to answer it.

"Hi Ben. Just give me one second, I've just got to grab my bag." I say while running back to my room. I fast walk back to the door and go outside.

Ben looked at me and turned red in the face.

'Maybe wearing the dress he bought wasn't such a great idea'

"Droga (English: Damn)" He says while I lock the door behind me.

"Hmmm? Are you okay?" I wave my hand in front of his face. "Earth to Ben. Helllooo"

"I am sorry...I thought I forgot something." He smiles. "You look amazing, Alia.

Oh boy! I don't know how to respond to compliments when talking to someone I like. "Thank you." I say. "You look nice too!"

"Shall we?" Ben's hand reaches out for mine. I grab it.

"Where are we going? You never told me." I hate surprises.

"You'll see!" He winks at me.


We soon reach a hella expensive restaurant called "Guade". We ordered our food and like lightning, it was on our table ready for us to enjoy.

"This is amazing. Like...so good." I said in between bites.

"I thought you would like it." He chuckles watching me stuff my face. Hopefully it's not a horrifying sight to see.

As we eat, we chat about life. I felt like I could talk about anything with him and I think he feels the same way. I am starting to really fall for him.

We finish up dinner and he starts driving. He misses the turn to the neighborhood. "Ben, you missed the turn." I say.

"I know." He grins.

"Where are we going?!" I laugh. "Please! I need to know!"

"All I can say is get ready to dance."

My eyes bulge out of my head. "ARE YOU SERIOUS! I'M GOING TO DIE!" I cannot dance. Especially in front of people?? No. I am actually nervous. "Benicio, please. No!"

"I love it when you beg." He says sexily.

"Stop trying to switch the topic, you weirdo!! You really expect me to dance in this dress with people watching?!"

"Everything will be fine. Calm down, Meu Amor." He looked at me smiling. "You will be fine. You can even stand on my feet if you're that bad." He laughs

I punch him in the shoulder. "I'm going to have to.

We pull into a parking space. "We're here!"

We get out of the car and he grabs onto my waist. I was feeling the heat! He stops me before we reach the door and kisses me hard. I kiss him back, but eventually I pull away.

"You're crazy, Benicio. Trying to kiss me in the middle of the parking lot, there are people watching!" I cringe.

"I know."

This guy would officially be the death of me.
Sorry it's been a while guys! I'm planning to update more. I've just been busy. I hope you guys like!!! Please tell me what you would like to see and where you see the story going!! Love y'all 😊

, Laur

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