No, mama.

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Why does he have to be so ridiculously handsome? He was so nice to me and actually wants me to be happy and the best of all is that he likes to have fun dates.

I wouldn't say I have been on a "real" date. After all, I've barely had any experience with men who deserved me.

It's really weird. Most men just want to "try" me. I hope this isn't one of those cases and I'm not playing myself.

I don't want to disappoint him, so I really hope everything goes as planned and I don't screw this up.


This date has to be perfect! I will not accept it to be average. Alia derves more. She's beautiful and smart and kind and loving and...everything. I've only known her for a short while, but there is something about her that makes me go crazy.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. It's Mother.

"Hello, mama." I say into the phone.

"Hello, son. How is America? Treating you well?" She laughs.

"ou o que você quer mãe?(what do you want mama?)" I say harshly.

"Oh, son. Don't be so rude. Guess what?"

"What, mama?"

"We have found you a bride. Come back in a week. You are to be married in two." She says.

"o que você está falando? Eu não vou casar comigo. Nós nunca discutimos isso (what are you talking about? I'm not getting married. We never discussed this)!"

"Why not, son? She is beautiful and fertile. Lot's of netos and netas (grandkids) for papai and me."

"No, mama. I refuse." I yell.

"Son, what is wrong with you? We let you go to America and give you some money to help you live and you won't do anything for us. You better have a good reason for this? Why?" She yells back.

"I've found someone else, mama." I end the call and go to sleep. Dreaming of Alia.

His mom is at the top. She's actually a Brazilian singer who's really nice. I just needed her to look evil for this.
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