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It's currently 6:30am and it's time for me to get up. I don't know why I let Alex sleep over on a school day, but it's fun and mom and dad don't mind. If this starts affecting his schoolwork he can't sleepover anymore because I want him to do well.

I hop in the shower and think about what I have to do after I get home from work...unpack! Ugggh. I get dressed and put on my work clothes. Something professional, but not promiscuous.

I quickly make some pancakes and go to wake up Alex.

"Hey kid." I shake him gently. "It's time to get up and get ready for school. I laid out your clothes for you." I say.

"Alia, 10 more minutes please?" He begs as he yanks the cover over his head.

"I made pancakes though." I smile, knowing that would persuade him to get off of the couch. "You have 30 minutes to get ready and then I'll drop you off a mom and dads so you have time to catch the bus, okay?" He shakes his head and gets up to go get ready.

After we are done eating, I drop him off and head to work. I work at Craster''s Endocrinology office. It's not far from where I live. There are about 10 people that work there, but it depends on the days people work. My colleague and best work friend, Kimberly visits me in my office.

 My colleague and best work friend, Kimberly visits me in my office

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"Hey girl! How's the moving going?" She makes herself comfortable as she sits in the couch chair across from my desk.

"Everything is going pretty good. Alex keeps me company and I should be moved in completely in a few days." I nod as I type on my computer.

"Honey. You need a mans. You gotta get out there girl." She chimes in alarmingly.

"Ummm... and why do I need a mans? I'm perfectly fine."

"You're lonely. You need to get out there and find someone. You're an amazing woman. Look at you. You're a doctor. Beautiful. You like kids. And speaking of kids, when am I going to be an aunt or a god-parent soon??"

"What are you talking about?" I laugh. "Why are you so concerned? I think you're the one who might need a mans and not me." I snicker as I kept typing thinking of the true reasons of why I didn't want to put myself out there.

"Honey, honey, honey. You know me. I like to...make my rounds and ya know...test the waters before I dive right in. If you know what I'm saying." Kim said. I laugh and put my head down on the table having given up on everything in life at that moment. "Maybe you should give "Mr. you know who a try." She winks.

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