It's a Date

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Alia opens the door and I see a man standing next to her. Was he her date? Were they together?

"Hi Ben." Alia says.  "What brings you by?"

"I just wanted to talk to you for a moment, but I see you have company so-" I trailed off. I wanted to talk to her alone.

"No, please- Uh- we were just finishing up." She seemed urgent. Like she actually wanted me to stay. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself.

"Okay." I walked inside. She turned to the man.

"Dr. Craster. It was nice to see you. Please let me know if we need to meet again." Alia said.

So he was a doctor. I think Alia said she was a doctor of some kind too, so it must be a co-worker. But this man seems very interested in her. His mannerisms are questionable.

"Yes. Alia." His head turned down. "I'll see you at the office tomorrow." He walked out of the door and headed to his car.

Alia shut the door after he left and walked towards the kitchen. She looked really nice today. Her hair was pulled up out of her face and her green sweater made her skin glow.

"What did you want to talk to me about? Oh- I forgot to ask, would you like something to drink? Water, juice, tea. I can try to make you a Cafezinho..." She smiled big and laughed.

"You can try, but I don't think you can make them as good as I can." I smiled back and walked towards the kitchen chair motioning to ask if I could sit.

"Of course you can sit. Go ahead. Mi Casa es tu Casa. Oh and before I get off topic. Your question sir."

I cleared my throat. "Would you allow me to take you out."

She looked at me and her eyebrows raised high. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I'm not her type.

"Like on a date?" She asked.

"Yes. A date." I reply.

"But you've only known me for a short while. And we're neighbors. What if things don't work out and then we have to see each other for almost the rest of our lives and walk out of the house and weirdly wave to each other and see each other live our lives separately and what if-" I grabbed her hand. She looked at me with her beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Calm down. Or as the American's say "chill"." I tried to do my best American accent. She put her hand on her forehead in disbelief and laughed. "Don't think about the future. Think about the now. So at the current time. Right now. Will you allow me to take you out...on a date that's it."

She took a breath and thought. "Yes, Ben. But we have to do something fun."

"Like what?"

"Hmmm. Do you like board games?"

"Like Monopoly?" I ask.

"Yes. And Trouble and Candy Land."

"I have not heard of one of those, but yes I do like board games. Why?"

"What is the time and place of this date." Alia asks sophisticatedly.

"Friday. At 6pm." I say.

"Okay. My backyard or your backyard." She responds.

"Mine. It will be very nice and decorated and you will love it."

"Oh. I will? Okay then. I will have very high standards." She laughed.

"Well, I will out do your standards and then you fall magically in love with me and will marry me."

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." She grins. "But I do know that I will beat you in at least three-quarters of those games on Friday."

"I will see you Friday, but for now I must go and plan to amaze you." I get up and walk towards the door. She follows behind me and opens the door.

"Goodbye. Ben."

"Goodbye Alia."

Okay... so I'm starting to update more. If you want me to update more frequently please comment and vote!
(I'll still update, but not as fast)

Who's cuter? Dr. Craster or Ben??

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