I Need Her

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I've been seeing a woman and a small child moving boxes in to the house next door. She's always smiling when I see her and the boy that tags along with her is always with her. It is probably her son, though their tones in skin are very different.

No, I am not stalking her, but I do more than occasionally peek out my window when I hear her pull into her driveway, and she is beautiful. I don't think she's seen me yet, but I would love to meet and talk with her.

I really want to but my family are not understanding people. We are from Brazil, but I decided to leave and come to the states a few years ago to do something different with my life. My father is a very powerful businessman and my mother is happy with his life, but not with mine.

I decide to make my way over to the woman's house because I bought a housewarming gift, just a card and some chocolate. That's what people do in America, right? I am still learning.

I knock and say hi. She says hi back.

"Is there anything I can for you?" She asks. She's beautiful. Really beautiful. Even if she is covered in flour.

"Um...sorry I lost my train of thought." I say as I stare into her unusually dark eyes. "I was...I brought this for you." I hand her the gift.

She smiled. "Oh my goodness. You didn't have to do this at all, but thank you." She went places the gift on the table beside the door. "Oh, please, come in, come in." She motions me in.

"It's a housewarming gift. I hope you like it. I live next door." I say as I walk inside. "I've been seeing you and him." I point to the boy. "Move boxes into the house."

"Yeah, not fun. But, I love the house and the neighborhood." She walks over to the oven. "Alright kid, I think the cake is done. Would you like to take it out or me?"

"I'll take it out. I'm good at this remember." Alex grins.

"Yes I remember kiddo." She smiles at me and laughs. I can't help it smile back. Her smile is contagious.

"Oh my goodness! How could I forget." She takes out her hand to shake mine. "I'm Alia."

I shake her hand. "I'm Ben."

"And I'm Alex!" Alex says taking the cake and placing on the counter.

"Nice meeting you. I'll probably see you around considering we live next to each other and all. Obviously."

"You too. See you around, Alia. You too Alex." I wave and walk out of her house and back to mine with an extreme hard on. She was like a breath of fresh air, but also a dangerous drug to my body. Shit.

I need her, but I refuse to be like every man who just orders their woman around and uses their power to get them places. Alia is different, so I have to be different too. Not that I'm saying "she's not like other girls", I've just never felt like this before. I don't want to be a typical son of a powerful man who thinks he's entitled and ruthless to the people he "loves" for no reason.


Sorry for the short chapter and the long update. I'm falling behind bc I just had winter break and I needed some time for myself, but I had family stuff 🤗. I'm back now though👏
Comment would you rather date your boss or your neighbor?!?

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