The Date

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Work is not busy today and I. Am. Loving it.

I go to sit in my office to do some paperwork. I try to focus, but all that pops into my head is Ben. For the amount of daydreaming I'm doing about him, I hope he's doing the same for me.

I hear a knock.

"Hey Alia! How's it going?" Kim says as she walks in to take a seat.

"It's going great! What about you?" I say happier than usual.

"Woahhh. Did I just hear happiness in Alia's voice? I think I did. What happened to you yesterday?"

Oh no. She was going to find out. I had to collect myself. "Uh. Nothing happened yesterday. Just the usual."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. You're wearing wedges. Your eyes look like the Disney princess eyes whenever they fall in...LOVE!!! Alia's in love!!!" Kim shouts.

"Would you stop it for 5 seconds and calm down. I am not in love. Gosh!" I say.

"Who is it?"

"I'm not telling you...I mean no one!"

"So you are in love. Well, you know what I'm not leaving until you tell me who it is!" Kim says grinning. This is bad. She will never leave me alone.

"Fine, Kim. It's my neighbor. He's from Brazil and just moved in a few weeks ago before me. He asked me out last night and yes... I have a date tomorrow." I say smiling.

"That's great! I'm so proud of you girl! You've always wanted a mans no matter how much you tell me you don't need one. I'm glad you're happy." She swallows me into a seated hug and squeezes me.

Maybe this is what I've needed after all instead of lying to myself that I don't need someone. And it's not that I need someone. I want someone.



I see her walking over. Damn she's sexy. Though she wears loose clothing it hugs all of the right places.

Everything is in place. The lights in the backyard. The soothing Brazilian music. The drinks. Blankets, pillows, food. Everything must go right tonight.

I hear a knock.

"Hello." She says after I open the door smiling and waving.

"Hello. You look wonderful." She blushes and looks at the ground. I take her hand. "Follow me"

I guide her to the backyard. "Wait. Close your eyes."


"On the count of 3, open. 1. 2. 3."


I'm going to try and set the mood for the next chapter 🥰 sorry they are short but it is a short story 🤷‍♀️ Hope y'all enjoy 😊

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