The Museum + update

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please read the update at the bottom!!

Things have been going great for the past two months. Alia is everything I could've asked for. We've been going strong for about 9 months now and I've been thinking about making our relationship official with paperwork, rings, and some celebrating. We haven't talked about it all that much, but I know I'm going to marry her. I'd love to make it the ultimate surprise.

The only thing that has been constantly on my mind is Mama. And one reason for that is because she calls me all the time and leaves voicemails when I don't answer...and I rarely answer. She was still pissed I never came back when she asked me to. I don't care. As long as I am with Alia I'll be perfect.

Alia and I had a date planned for today. We're going to the art museum.

She walked over and met me at my car.

"Hello, Meu Amor," I said as I opened the car door for her. She replied with a kiss. A long kiss. A steamy kiss. A bedroom kiss. I was going crazy. We stayed connected for a long time. Her hands cupping my face and my hands fidgeting with her braids. Don't worry- she said I was allowed to touch.

She broke the kiss and said, "I love you, Benicio." She pecked me on the cheek before sliding into the passenger seat. I walked around the back of the car trying to fix my pants before getting in.

"I love you E eu mal posso esperar para me casar com você quando chegar a hora (and I can't wait to marry you when the time comes)." I said. We looked at each other for a moment, lost in each other's eyes.

"I don't know what that means, but I think it means something good so I second that statement!"

I kissed her hand. "Perfecta."


We walked hand in hand eyeing ancient and modern art. Although I was definitely eyeing Alia more than the displays. She looked so beautiful and her energy was radiating. I couldn't help but whisper how amazing she looked into her ear every few minutes. She laughed softly while giving me one of those looks and telling me to "quit it and look at the art". I loved messing with her even though what I was saying was true and I meant it.

We decided to take pictures, but the pictures of art turned into pictures of us and our smiles eventually turned into silly faces and doing weird poses. Stares were coming our way and we didn't want to get thrown out so we left before the fun ended. Plus, Alia had plans with a few friends and needed to be back in time.

Before she made her way back to her house to get ready, I offered her some water.

"Benicio, I can get water at my house." She laughed as I gently pulled her inside.

"You don't have Brazillian water at your house," I smirked.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" She questioned.

I kissed her and she followed. We stood there in the foyer kissing like we had outside. We had done this plenty of times before, but this time was a little different. Our kiss was harder and more passionate. While Alia paused for air, I went down to her neck and chest peppering her with kisses leaving my mark of passion. Soft moans escaped her mouth. I think she was embarrassed by that and brought my head up to meet hers and resumed the kiss. I slowly made my way back down to her neck and chest wanting to hear her again. Plus, she smelled so heavenly.

She looked at her watch, "Ben, I have to go. I'm already late and I'm not even dressed." She said breathily. I groaned into her neck.

"You didn't even get a taste of my Brazillian water." I smiled.

"Benicio!" She yelled. "Goodbye!" She opened the door laughing. "I love you. Bye."

"I love you too." 


My b guys. Shortly after I posted this I was having a crisis because I didn't know where to go for college and then it was my birthday and then I was still trying to push through senior year even though I didn't give an F :) Then I graduated!!! Anyways, I'm really really REALLY going to try to update more. 

Can someone please tell me of any Brazilian guys you think are cute who could match with Ryan Destiny or any black girl?? Preferably on the brown side. Please!!

Also, I want to say that it's not really fair that for many people to be with a black girl they have to be PERFECT. Hair, nails, skin, outfits...everything. That's totally cool if you take pride in these things, but for everyone else to expect that from is a no. So, when you read this story don't think of yourself as this pristine super fine hot baddie all the time (on the outside at least). We deserve to be loved when we are not looking like pristine super fine hot baddies. 

So if anyone would like to find me an average-looking black girl that would be amazing too!

I love you all. I'm started a Tumblr. Follow me at - theprincessofmaldonia

, Laur

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