Dr. Craster

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Alia POV


Dr. Craster (image above) called and told me we needed to meet to talk about a patient. He's coming over and I don't feel comfortable with him knowing where I live, especially since he likes me or whatever. I'm not sure. I'm sure everything will go fine, but Dr. Craster is a little...funny.

I hear a knock at the door. It's probably him. Yep.

"Hello, Dr. Craster. Please come in." I say as I shut the door behind him.

"Thank you Alia. Beautiful home."

"Thank you." I smile. "Here please sit down." I motion him to the chairs, but he keeps staring at me in a weird way. "Would you like anything to drink or eat?"

"No, thank you. We should start." I sit down and he sits next to me. "So what's been happening lately? How's Alex?" He asks

"Nothing, I just finished moving. Alex is fine." I reply. He hands me a stack of papers and I start signing them one by one. I can feel his eyes on me.

"That's good. You still like working at my place? With me as your boss?"

"Yes! I love working with you guys." Meaning only Kim and a few others. "I've been working my whole life to be an endocrinologist."

I see his arm wrap around my chair and hold on to the back. He scooches over and leans in further. He stops there, thank goodness! I thought he was going to kiss me.

"And me as your boss?"

"You're a good boss. Best I've ever had." I lie. I've had way better, less creepier bosses.

We sit in silence for a while finishing the paperwork. I feel him glance at me at least 3 times a minute, but as long as he doesn't try anything I'll be fine. And I know how to defend myself. Eventually, we finish up and head to the door.

"It was nice being here. Glad we could catch up and finish the work. Again, you have a beautiful home." He says. "I wish-share-a-together" He mumbles and I pray he did not just say what I think he did.

"Thank you for coming!" I open the door. And guess who's there? Ben.
Sorry this chapter is kind of short guys! I'm not really sure where the story is headed, but I might have a few ideas!

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