I Think I Love Her

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Everything looked amazing. Almost identical to one of those backyard party ideas on Pinterest. It amazed me how someone could care for a person so much.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Of course. How could I not?!" I laughed.

"Graças a Deus (thank god)! Well, please. Let me show you to your seat!" He motioned me over to the blankets and pillows on the patio and started talking.

We talked for hours. We basically told each other everything from day 1. He told me his backstory about him moving here and his family. They seem very nice, but his body language told me there was something he wasn't telling me. Though, I wasn't going to pry. He has 2 brothers and 3 sisters. One older brother and one younger brother and all of the sisters were younger. He spoke of his father, like he was a god, but his mother as if she were a burden or just hard to please.

I told him what I do for a living and more about Alex, including Fletcher and my parents. There wasn't much to my life as there was to his. After all, he did leave his country to pursue his dream of being a business and developer manager of FORT. INC. It was as though I felt I was missing this person in my life for a while and he showed up when I needed him the most.

"Ben. I really had fun, but I need to get going. I have to be at Alex's baseball game at 8am and need some rest." I say apologetically. "It was really nice of you to go through all of this trouble and-"

He kissed me.

And I kissed him back.

And he kissed me back again.

And I kissed him back again.

"I'm sorry." He says as he breaks the kiss. "Usually, I have self-control, but you're just so-

"No, it's okay." I lean in to kiss him and turns out he was already going to kiss me back again because his lips did a mini smash into mine.

We stayed kissing for a while, until I really had to go.

He walked me to the door and gave me one last kiss. Mind you it was a long kiss.

"Damn. Your lips are so soft." Ben

I giggled "Thank you. As are yours." I said in between kisses. "Okay Ben. I need to go!" I laugh.

"Please! Just one more kiss." He wraps his arms around me, trying to lock lips with me for another make-out session.

I find a way to get out of his arms and run away laughing. "Goodbye Ben."

"Goodbye Alia."


I will be updating more!!!! I have a few more chapters planned, but I'm not sure what I want to happen with Aleksei's family yet 🤔 I'm mostly working on what kind of character I want the mother of Aleksei to portray. I know she's gonna be mean and rude, but that's it 😂 Should be interesting!!

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