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I open my eyes when I hear faint voices.

"Gosh that's why there are two kings?"

Who is that? I don't think I've heard their voice before...

"Why else-"

Jisung? He's here?

Seungmin: Jisung? Where are we?

He looks back at me with wide eyes.

Before I can process anything, he pounces onto me, squeezing me with a tight hug.

Jisung: Seungminnie! You woke up!

Seungmin: Akk- Sung- I can't breathe-

Jisung: Oh, sorry!

He lets me go and sits in front of me.

I notice an unfamiliar person standing behind Jisung.

He wasn't one of the people that kidnapped me, so maybe he's good?

My eyes fall on the small horns peeking through his hair.

Just when I think I'm safe-


Seungmin: Where are we? Who is he?

Jisung tenses up at my question.

Jisung: Oh, uh, we were kidnapped. This is Minho, he's a... demon.

Seungmin: Both of the things you said are pretty obvious, you know.

Jisung: Yeah, well, these guys want to kill us for some reason. But they won't until their "leader" tells them to. So they're keeping us captive...

My eyes widen.

Seungmin: K-kill? Why?

Jisung: I don't know.

Minho gets a call and turns around, swiping the answer button.

Minho: Really? Cool. Yeah, he's awake. Ok, yeah. Bye.

He hangs up and turns back around.

Minh: Your friend is coming here soon. I'll leave.

Friend? Does he mean Changbin?

Jisung: You brought him too? He's not even a prince! Let him go!

Minho: Don't talk to me like that. Just because I'm being nice doesn't mean I can't slit your throat if I want to.

He leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

I hear Jisung mutter "bipolar jerk" under his breath and slightly smile.

Jisung: He was fine just now, and all of a sudden he's acting all angry and cold. What did I even do? I just asked to- oh my god, Changbin!

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