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After our marriage and the coronation, Jisung and I have been flooded with work.

I mean, what can I expect? Ruling a kingdom comes with a lot of responsibilities.

Yesterday, Jisung's father came in and practically forced us both to take a much-needed break.

I'm going to go visit the guys since Jisung wanted to stay in the castle and laze around.

Which basically means he's going to sleep all day.

Getting used to the whole royal took a while, and to be honest, it was really hard.

I can't just spend days being a potato anymore, or do whatever I want to in front of people.

I have to maintain the "image of a king."

At first, I would get really stressed and angry at every mistake I did.

If Jisung hadn't helped me deal with my emotions, I don't know what I would've done.

Once I arrive at the house, I ring the doorbell.

Moments later, Chan opens the door and welcomes me with a hug.

Chan: Dude, I missed you so much! You forgot us all after becoming a king, haven't you?

Minho: Shut up, how could I forget you? You woke me up by splashing water onto my face every day, I can't forget that so easily, can I?

He laughs and steps aside for me to come.

We walk into the living room where Hyunjin and Felix are.

Hyunjin: Minho! You're here! I have so much tea to spill~

Minho: Really? I care so much.

He frowns, picks up a pillow, and throws it at me.

Felix: YEET!

Chan: Oh my god, calm down. Minho, sit down, I'll go get the food.

Chan turns around and walks into the kitchen and I plop down into the couch.

Minho: So, any juicy stuff to share?

Hyunjin and Felix exchange looks with stupid grins on their faces.

Hyunjin: I asked Seungmin out!

My eyes widen and I scoot forward.

Minho: What did he say?

Hyunjin: What do you think he said? Yes, of course! No one can resist my beauty~

Felix: Narcissistic piece of-

Hyunjin: ANYWAY, I think Chan is interested in someone.

Minho: Really? Who?

As long as I've known, Chan's had a huge crush on Felix.

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