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The door opens slowly and I look up to see Seungmin walking in.

Seungmin: What happened? Changbin stopped by my room and told me to come here...?

Jisung: Ah, yes. He came up with a plan.

Seungmin: A plan? For what?

Jisung: Helping the guys escape.

Seungmin: Helping them escape? No way, we'll get in so much trouble!

Jisung: Shhh! Lower your voice! And I know we'll get into trouble, but... I don't want Minho to die. He didn't even do anything wrong.

Seungmin: So you don't mind if Chan or Hyunjin dies, I see how it is. Minho must be special-

Jisung: It's not like that! I don't get why everyone keeps saying that.

Seungmin: As if it isn't obvious enough...

I roll my eyes and lightly hit his arm to shut him up.

Jisung: Forget about it. Anyway, we have to distract the guards later today.

Seungmin: Wait, we're doing it today? Why not tomorrow?

Jisung: I heard father discussing with the guards that he's going to shift them to prison tomorrow. If they leave the dungeon, we won't be able to help them.

Seungmin: Ah, true. But how will we distract them?

Jisung: I don't know. I guess we'll have to think of something on the spot.

Seungmin: Shouldn't we make a plan-

Jisung: Min, I don't have enough brain cells for that. I think we'd be more natural if we wing it, too.

Seungmin: Fine, let's do that. I have to leave, so when are we executing the plan?

Jisung: I'm not sure, Changbin will just come and get us when he thinks it's a good time to start.

Seungmin: Okay, see you later!

I nod and wave my hands, smiling, as he leaves the room.


It's been a few hours, and it's already getting dark outside.

When is Changbin going to come?

Maybe he forgot? I should go check on him-

I jolt up when I hear the door suddenly creak open.

Jisung: Oh my gosh, Changbin. I almost thought you forgot about the plan.

Changbin: I'm sorry, Prince. I got a bit caught up with the work I missed when we were kidnapped.

Jisung: It's okay,  are we going to start now?

Changbin: Yeah, Prince Seungmin is behind me. If you're ready, we can go.

Jisung: Okay.

I get off the bed and follow Changbin and Seungmin into the hallway.

Changbin leans closer to me and whispers into my ear.

Changbin: Make sure to act normal. You're walking a bit stiffly.

Jisung: Ah, I must be nervous.

I try to loosen up my body and act normally as Changbin said, taking a few deep breaths to calm me down.

Once we reach a good distance from the dungeon, Changbin turns to us.

Changbin: Okay, you two go first and distract the guards blocking the door. I'll try to sneak past them.

Seungmin and I nod, stepping out from behind the wall into the view of the guards.

They notice us and immediately bow.

Guard: Princes, what are you two doing here? Can we assist you with anything?

Jisung: Uhm, no... I was wondering what that thing was in the hallway over there...

I nudge Seungmin lightly and he clears his throat.

Seungmin: Yeah, it was so weird. Is it dangerous?

Wow, this guy needs an award for his acting.

From the corner of my eye, I see Changbin trying to sneak into the dungeon without them noticing.

My eyes widen when he starts slowly turning in the direction of the dungeon.

Which is also the direction Changbin is trying to get to.

Guard: Then give me one moment, I'll just lock the doors so no one-

Jisung: H-how about I just take you there and show you! Seungmin will keep watch for you!

Guard: Prince, I can't trouble you like that.

Seungmin: No, it's okay. I've finished all of my duties for the day and this seems... entertaining.

Unable to say no, they nod their heads and I let out a small breath of relief.

Jisung: Follow me, I'll take you there.

I start walking away in the direction of a random hallway, trying to hold back a wide smile when I see Changbin walk into the dungeon without anyone else noticing.

Mission success!

Now it's all up to Changbin.

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