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Chan: Ok everyone, today we have gathered to discuss a new mission assigned to us directly by our leader.

I raise my eyebrows in curiosity.

Minho: Leader never gives us mission personally, he always gets one of his commanders to do it.

Chan: Exactly, which shows just how important this mission is to him.

Hyunjin: Do we have to kill someone?

Chan: I don't know, let's read the file and find out.

All the other demons gather around Chan to find out what's so special about this mission, but I couldn't care less.

In fact, I've never cared about these missions.

It always involves us doing harm to someone, innocent or not.

I never even wanted to join this group, but I was forced into this.

And it's not just me, everyone in the squad doesn't want to be a part of this; Chan, Hyunjin, Felix, Jeongin, we never wanted to become the leader's little pets.

But life isn't fair, so we have to suck it up until the leader decides we're too old to do his missions.

Suddenly, a loud chorus of groans erupts from the group and I look over to see why.

Minho: What happened? Why does everyone look so angry?

Felix: Didn't you listen to what Chan just said? We have to kill the Royal family.

Minho: The whole family?

Felix: Well, just the two princes in line for the throne. But that doesn't make it any better. We still have to kill someone.

Hyunjin: And all because our leader wants to scare the humans. Those people are probably innocent!

He rolls his eyes and walks away, angered by this whole thing.

Chan: Guys, I know you're all sad. But there's nothing we can do. it's either they die or the leader hurts our families.

Minho: I haven't seen my family since they happily threw me into this hell 10 years ago to save themselves.

Chan sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Chan: Minho, I know you... aren't fond of your family, but-

Minho: I'm not fond of them? I fucking hate them

Chan: Hate is a strong word-

Minho: They sold me our leader to be turned into an assassin! I could have been a normal human if it weren't for them! Now I'm fucking demon, I'm a monster.

Chan: You're not the only one that had to go through that and you know it! We've all been through shit so can you stop giving me that attitude?!

I don't respond, but my fierce glare doesn't leave Chan's gaze.

Chan has always had some kind of authority among the group; whatever he says goes.

He's also caring, and he's always there for us when we need it.

But he's also damn scary when someone irritates him.

Like right now.

Chan: Look, I don't want to do this any more than you do, but some of our families still care for us, even though they can't contact us! I for sure wouldn't put them at risk for someone else's life. I know it's selfish but I can't live with that guilt!

I sigh and take Chan's hand off my shoulder.

Minho: Alright, when will we start the mission?

Chan: Tonight. Since there's gonna be a party there, we'll need a lot of people. Everyone is going.

Minho: Okay, sorry for yelling at you. I kinda lost control back there.

Chan: No problem, you're not the only one.

I smile and he smiles back, waving and turning around to go deal with other vampires who're having emotional outbursts like me.

Minho: Hey Felix?

Felix: Wassup?

Minho: What are the prince's names?

Felix: Han Jisung, the heir, and Kim Seungmin, his cousin who's next in line.

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