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Minho: Chan, what do we do? The king must have gotten angry at Jisung for helping us. Who knows how he's feeling right now...

I hear Hyunjin say "whipped" quietly, and I turn my head to glare at him.

Minho: Like you are for Seungmin?

Hyunjin: Yeah, I am whipped for Seungmin. At least I don't go around denying it.

I roll my eyes and look back at Chan.

Chan: We shouldn't do anything in haste, who knows what changes the King made to stop us from getting there.

Hyunjin: Chan, we're demons! And we're completely healed now! Nothing those humans do can stop us. Why can't we just go there and-

Chan: Can you all just be quiet for a while?!

Our eyes widen at Chan's sudden outburst.

He was always the one to be calm and collected during this kind of situation, so it's shocking to see him lose his composure.

He sighs and looks down.

Chan: I'm sorry... I just... have a lot on my mind right now...

Felix: Chan, you don't have to deal with all of it on your own. We're a team.

Chan: I know, but you guys are already stressed over the humans. I don't want to make it worse for you.

Minho: So you're going to deal with it all on your own? We won't let you do that.

Chan: I- fine... I'll tell you.

We all look at him, expecting the worst.

Chan: Leader... survived. He's going after Jisung on his own.

What?! How did he survive even after being attacked with iron?!

Hyunjin: No way!

Felix: That can't be possible!

Minho: We have to stop him!

Chan: From what information I've gathered, he's planning on attacking today. We don't have much time.

Hyunjin: Then what are we still doing here?! Let's go!

Chan: But Hyunjin, how will we fight him?

Hyunjin: We can think of that later. First, we have to go warn Seungmin-

Minho: And Jisung.

Felix: And Changbin.

Hyunjin: ...ok ok, all of them. We have to at least let them know that leader is coming.

Chan: Alright, then let's go.

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