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After a solid 11 hours of sleep, I wake up to bright light shining in my eyes.

Jisung: Close the curtains... 

I groan and shift in my bed.

Changbin: Prince, please wake up. You've had plenty of rest, and sleeping this much won't do good for your health.

Jisung: Just 5 more minutes~

Changbin: Prince Han Jisung, leave your bed this instant, or I will not hesitate to pull your blanket away and leave the curtains open. We'll see how you'll continue to sleep then.

Jisung: Ugh, you're so cruel. I'm up, don't pull the blanket.

Changbin: Good. Breakfast is ready to be served as soon as you come downstairs. Minho made sure you have all the clothes and toiletries you need to get ready.

He leaves the room and I trudge over to the bathroom.

I go inside and start freshening up, eager to get rid of my crusty morning face.


After I finish showering, I wrap a towel around my waist and leave the bathroom.

Just as I'm about to slip my clothes, the door opens and my eyes widen, I almost let go of the towel in shock.

Minho: I forgot to leave your shirt here.

Gosh, this seems familiar. The deja vu.

Jisung: Yeah, you can put it over there.

Minho: Okay. You have everything you need?

Jisung: Mhm, but can you leave? I'm not really in the state to have a conversation.

Minho: It's not like I haven't seen this before. But anyway, this is pretty awkward so I'll leave.

He leaves the room and I quickly put on my clothes, worried about someone else walking in.

I go downstairs and I see the others sitting at the table.

Chan: Good morning Jisung, are you feeling better?

Jisung: A lot better, What about you? I heard you got-

I get cut off by a sudden noise.

It sounded like a... crash?

Felix: I'll go check what's- oh shit!

My eyes widen when I see a large group of my father's soldiers march in.

My father sees me and runs over.

Father: Jisung! Are you okay?

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