Chapter 17 - Touchdowns & Wargames

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"Wooh! Now we're moving damn it. Everybody good? Everyone make it out?" Brian asked everyone over the radio.

"Flying hella high buster." I answered.

"Here, O'Conner." Tej said.

"Touchdown baby." Letty said and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Hey, Rome? Hey, what's up, man? Talk to me, come on." Brian said after we didn't hear from his friend.

"I can't do it." Roman answered a few seconds later.

"The hell you can't!" I growled.

"Come on man, you throw that thing in reverse and get your ass out here now." Brian argued.

"Look, I can't do it ok. Listen to what I'm saying damn it." he answered.

"Now isn't the time for this." I angrily stated.

"I'ma stay up here with the pilot. We're gonna circle around and make sure we're holding it down from up here." Roman said.

"You're running out of time. The chute is guided by GPS! You don't have to do anything now move!" Letty told him.

"Tej!" Dom and I chorused.

"I'm already on it." he answered.

"Hey man, listen, I'm sorry to let y'all down, okay. I'ma go ahead and stay up here." Roman said.

"No brother, I'm sorry to let you down." Tej answered.

"What? What do you mean you're . . . Tej! What are you doing? Oh, shit! Tej! I hate you, Tej!" Roman shouted.

"I would've loved to see that, Tej, you should've put a camera in there." I told him, making the team laugh.

"I didn't think of that. Maybe next time." he replied.

"Get ready! Ground's coming fast!" Brian warned us.

"Ok, you've got this Kaylee." I muttered to myself.

The last 45 seconds, give or take, were insane. As soon as the meter reads less than 1,000 feet we were to deploy the parachutes. The timeframe to launch the majestically large parachute was very tight but thankfully all of us made that small block of time. I deployed mine first, Dom was second and the rest of the team followed suit. It made our cars lay flat instead of the panic-inducing nosedive we were in all of this time. I will admit, it got rid of some of my fear.

The chutes are made of some industrial-grade material to make sure that they could hold the weight of the cars. Which, in idiot language, means they gave us the most durable material they could find to make sure we don't kill ourselves like car diving jackasses before we can do what they need us to do. Because, you know, this all makes so much sense to begin with.

Once we hit the ground, we released our chutes and they will be recovered by some other mysterious part of Mr. Nobody's no one team. A bunch of people that the government won't admit exists so they can do things like what we're doing without getting in trouble. Glorified crime scene clean-up team, ghosts of course. Dom touched ground first, then Brian, Letty, myself, and Tej.

"Hell yeah!" I called out enthusiastically, this is the craziest thing we've ever done.

"Touchdown baby!" Letty shoued.

"Car check. Call it in." Dom ordered.

"Check." Letty and I chorused.

"Check." Tej followed.

"I'm good, let's do this." Brian said.

"Hello! Please, man, get me out of there . . . somebody. No! The trees!" Roman complained.

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