Chapter 4 - Surprise and Temptation

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We had a few more beers in the yard before Letty left. I made my way through the house and sat on an old chair that was on the porch. Toretto senior's chair, the one that always made me feel protected and safe no matter what.

"I remember when you used to sit there with my long sleeve sweatshirts, that I only bought because you liked them, a pair of knee-high socks, and a mug of coffee because you thought the coffee made you look cool." I heard suddenly.

"The coffee did make me look cool and it kept me awake so I didn't have to go home unless I was really tired."

"That chair was always more of your place than anyone else's after he passed. He loved to come home and see you there."

"It always feels special, like he's still here."

"Do you think . . ."

"That he's still here? Of course I do, He would've kicked all of our asses for everything that we've done. I like to think that he keeps us out of too much trouble and we make it hard for him. I have to go Dom." I said, knowing why he's here.

"You don't have to leave, this is still your home." he insisted.

"It will always be home to me but I have to go, I have to work on me now. You guys have everything that you want right here and I have to figure out what I want. I'll come back, I'll call and visit but I'm going away for now. Tell Mia not to be too mad at me." I said as I got up.

"Don't . . ."

"I'm just going to my apartment, I'll be here in the morning. I want to spend some time with Jack and every one before I leave."

"Where will you go?"

"That's the beauty of it . . . I can go anywhere." I smiled.

"Don't be a stranger."

"I won't."

It took Mia a few days to let go of the subject, although I know that she's not happy with me at all. She keeps throwing dirty looks my way but what can I do? She's trying to find out what time my flight leaves but I won't tell her. I'm not going to tell anyone to be honest.

An old friend of mine is going to do me the favor of dropping me off at the airport because I know that he won't tell anyone when I'm leaving. It's not in his best interest or mine either, if Mia finds out when I leave. They have a brief idea of when I leave but not an exact date, I did that on purpose. I don't put it past Mia to get Tej to track my phone and credit card which is why I paid in cash. Once I'm across the country, there's nothing she can do. Yes, I'm a little afraid of angry Mia.

The day before leaving, I took a shit ton of pictures to keep with me. Mia was constantly watching me while Letty and Dom just joked about her. Brian thought I was just joking about leaving, what they don't know is that I'm leaving tonight.

If I tell Mia, she's gonna freak out and I don't need that right now. She has a family to worry about and as much as I'm a part of it, I'm also not. I need to find what I want to do with my life now that we're not on the run. I have everything that I could want and at the same time, I just . . . I need something else, something that I'm not finding here.

As I left the house, I left a few envelopes in the mailbox. One for Mia, Dom, Letty, and Jack, in Mia's letter I asked her to read my letter to Jack to him every night in case I can't call him. I want him to know that he's always on my mind as my favorite person in the world. I made a call to my driver, told him to meet me at my apartment.

"You don't look any worse for the wear do you?" I heard at the door.

"Never Tran, how are you?" I asked the sexy Asian man standing in my living room.

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