Chapter 13 - Misery & Warnings

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"I know you, I know both of you. Which is why I'm now gonna give you the brother to brother answer, Dom, the family answer. You do whatever it is you gotta do. When you find that sumbitch, just do me one favor." Hobbs stated.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Don't miss." he said and I felt the pain spike in my heart.

"What the hell is going on around me?" I muttered, pacing the room again.

"You have to be very careful, this man is very dangerous and he's a smart bastard. He can and will take you out without thinking twice about it. Dom, watch her, bring her back to me. Do not let her do something stupid." my uncle said.

"I can handle myself damn it."

"You know I will." Dom replied.

"Take care of yourself." I told him, kissing his forehead again.

"You do the same." he said, moving his hand over my bandaged head.

"Let's go, Kay." Dom said.

"Take it easy." I told my uncle.

"Kaylee, are you okay?" Dom asked as we walked out of my uncle's room.

"No, I'm not okay in the least. I want answers, and he's gonna give them to me." I said.

"We'll get to the bottom of this and I won't . . ."

"I need to ask you something."

"What's up?"

"I know Hobbs told you don't miss but . . ."

"Kaylee . . ." he sighed.

"Just don't kill him."

"He killed Han."

"And we put his brother in the hospital! A hospital visit for a death for more death? It's not gonna do us any good, Dom."

"I'll . . . we'll see what happens."

"That's fair enough." I growled.

As Dom and I walk out of the hospital I can't get everything that I read and heard out of my head. The man in those files is nothing like that man that I know, the man that I love. It seems impossible to reconcile the two together and now I don't have a choice.

Dex . . . no, not Dex, Deckard, Deckard Shaw, he knew where to find Dom which means he had to know that I was there. Would he seriously have detonated that bomb knowing that I was in the house? Did he know that I was there? He must know that I was involved in that job that got his brother hurt. How is he gonna react when he sees me again? Hell, how am I gonna react when I see him? We will see each other again, that much I do know.

So many questions, curiosities, and doubts, so much anger is running through my head that I don't know how to sift them out. I can't separate one from the other and that's dangerous in our line of work. I heard Dom on the phone, I can't say who he was talking to but I heard him and I did what I had to do on autopilot. Honestly, everything that I heard today is just whirling around in a ball of anger in my head.

I can't really comprehend it all and had it come from anyone else, I would've laughed and called bullshit. Except for the fact that it came from my uncle, Mr. DSS himself so I know he's not lying. Which in turn, means that the past five years by his side have all been a lite. All of it was a fucking lie! What in the hell was he involved in? Why the hell did he lie to me?


"Hmm?" I asked Dom, who had a worried look in his eyes.

"We're at the airport."

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