Chapter 8 - Love and Doubts

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The next few years were just a complete whirlwind. Our traveling started in Amsterdam and we ended up everywhere after that. We spent months traveling the world together; Thailand, Mexico, France, Italy, Jordan, even the Philippines, among lots of other places. The one thing that we kept as sort of an unspoken promise is that neither one of us spoke about our past. We were just focused on our future together and it worked perfectly.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family and I don't regret not one of the many things that we've done but I was ready for a fresh start. I wanted to be my own person the way that I used to be and I finally found her. Dex helped me find her.

Currently, we're in Belize, in one of the best hotels here because he never does anything less than the best. Dex once said that he wanted to give me the world, and that is exactly what he's been doing.

"Good morning love." Dex sleepily said.

I opened my eyes and turned to see the man that makes me the happiest I've ever been. His sleepy smile is one of my favorite looks on him. Moving, he hovered over me and pressed his lips to mine in his customary morning kiss. I'm not complaining. When he pulled back I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in again, smiling when I felt him get comfortable between my legs.

"Good morning, mi amor." I muttered.

"Hungry?" he chuckled.

"Absolutely." I replied, moving my hands down to his boxers.

"Not what I meant, you naughty girl." he said as he pushed his shirt that I'm using as a pajama up and over my waist.

"Mmm . . . I'm hungry my love, hungry for you and your touch." I whispered, wrapping my hand around him, enjoying his groans and moans.

"You'll be the death of me, I swear."

After a quick but thorough session of morning loving, we got up and got dressed to go out for the day because he wanted to take me out. As always he took me out to the most beautiful places, always got me flowers, took me to eat at the best restaurants but that's not what mattered to me. It's him, it wasn't always him but looking forward I can see my future with him. He's always in the moment with me, just me. I know that he loves me, not because he buys me stuff but because he shows me . . . I can feel it.

"Love, how long has it been now?" he asked from the balcony of our room when we got back that night.

"How long has what been?" I asked from the bed.

"How long have we been together now, darling?"

"It's been . . . wow, it's been just about four years." I said, sitting up as he made his way over to me.

"Four of the best years of my life." he said, kissing me softly.

"Four of the happiest of mine."

"Alright, where to next love? Nepal? Cuba? Morocco? The world is ours." he said.

"Morocco! Let's go to Morocco." I smiled, pulling him down to the bed.

That's exactly what we did, we went to Morocco, Cuba, Nepal, Argentina, and Iran all in about a years' time. Things have been going so well for us that I sometimes don't know what to do. I keep looking for falling pianos or waiting for the other shoe to drop and when it fell, boy did it fall.

"How's my favorite globetrotter doing?" Mia asked during one of our calls.

Mia and I video chat all of the time but I haven't introduced her to Dex yet, nor has he seen pictures of her. They've heard about each other but neither has seen the other and I intend to keep it that way for now. I'm not sure what I'm hiding from them but for now, I want to keep the bliss that I'm feeling separate from my family obligations. At some point, I'll introduce them. As soon as he meets the family he's gonna know what crazy things I've been involved in and it's nice having this clean slate with him.

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