Chapter 24 - Goodbye and Hello

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"You gotta get out of here quick. It's about to be on your tail and quick." Roman warned me.

"Got it." I answered and sped away.

"Why are you doing this? All of you?" Ramsey asked.

"What exactly do you mean? Saving the world . . . again, or saving you?"

"You're all risking your lives to save mine, someone you barely know. Not to mention the Roman and Tej tangle." she chuckled dryly.

"Dom likes to take in strays, it's what he does. Did not mean that in the way it came out, by the way, but you're just the latest stray to come to our happy little Brady Bunch. You're family now and it kinda lies on you to save us and protect the world so it's not all about you sweetie. As for Roman and Tej, they're both baboons, adults of sorts but baboons nonetheless. How you handle that is up to you, you're ohana now and we take care of our ohana."

No matter how fast I drive, the drone is keeping up with me. There's also, still no word from the wonder triplets, which is definitely worrying.

"Tej, Brian come on! What's happening?" I asked them.

"Where we headed, Tej?" Brian asked.

"There's a service elevator past the maintenance sector. It'll take you up to the repeater, Brian, you gotta hurry." Tej replied.

"It's back!" Ramsey shouted after we had managed to evade the drone for a few seconds.

This damn drone is on my ass. A few more policemen tried to brave the situation unfolding and paid dearly for their brave intentions. I managed to make some leeway but we never completely lost the drone from sight. As much as I try to get away, the damn thing never lost me from sight either. Damn, stupid, money-hungry terrorist.

"Letty's close right?" Ramsey fearfully asked.

"Don't worry, you're not gonna die today. Letty . . . I'mma need you soon. This football is starting to burn up." I warned.

"Got it, where are you?"

"Close to the buster so . . . Fourth and State, figures."

"On my way."

I kept driving and found another bridge with the damn drone still locked onto us. This has to be really quick or the both of us are gonna be french fries. Letty came hauling ass and it's time to get out of here. I pushed Ramsey out of the car and got out quickly myself, just not quick enough. The force and heat of the explosion sent me flying and I was disoriented for a second . . . a few seconds, really.

It felt great honestly, nothing but dizziness and ringing in my ears. I've been through a lot worse so this slightly numb feeling is very welcomed. This might leave a few scars since I skidded against the ground but nothing that won't add to my story. I can write a book on the different scars on my body. Breathing took an effort that I didn't realize I would need since all of the air rushed out of my body when I fell.


"Go!" I shouted back, stumbling to my feet.

"The access cable's in the base. Just plug it into your phone and Ramsey will be back online." I heard Tej say.

"We're back in! We've got God's Eye back." Ramsey said after a minute or two.

"You beautiful English devil." I wheezed as I slowly regained a normal breathing pattern.

"Kaylee? You okay?" Brian asked.

"Just damn peachy."

"Go get her, Brian." Letty said.

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