Chapter 19 - Zeroes and Ones

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"She don't look like no hacker to me." Roman said.

"Oh yeah, what do hackers look like?" Tej and I chorused.

"They don't supposed to look like that. I'm just saying, like, you know how they normally wear them little, weird glasses that's all crooked and pimples all over their face from drinking soda? I mean trust me, with a body like that you ain't gonna park it behind a computer." he said.

"You don't say Roman." I sarcastically remarked.

"You are in the same situation! If I hadn't of met you that way that I met you and seen the crazy ass computer shit you can do I would never have thought that you were a hacker too. You are way too sexy." he said with a wicked smile.

"You're a pig, Roman Pierce." I said with a heavy eye roll.

"Hey, are you ok?" Tej asked, putting his hand on my arm softly.

"Just fine Parker, a little ringing in the head that's all." I answered walking over to Brian and the girl.

Brian was questioning the poor girl, shooting question after question about how she was feeling, some habits die hard. He's a criminal with the soul of a cop, that's something that'll never leave him. It makes him a better person I think. She just shook her head or said no to question after question with her mascara running down her cheeks and a curious look on her face.

"Where's my shoe?" she asked, when she realized that she was only wearing one.

"Oh, it flew off during the crash. If you start experiencing any of those things, let me know okay?" Brian said.

"I don't know whether to thank you for saving me or kick your ass for throwing me off a cliff." she said in a prim English accent.

"Ungrateful much? I'd like to see you try to kick my ass." I asked, raising an eyebrow at her in disdain.

Dom just smiled at me and poked my side quickly, getting a quick back smile and flash of dimples.

"Thank us or kick our ass, huh? How about you tell us where that device you made is." Dom asked.

"I mailed it to a friend in Abu Dhabi." she said honestly.

Surprised that she answered us at all I figured out quickly that this was going to get interesting and I wasn't wrong at all. I don't trust newcomers easily and her blatant acceptance of us didn't seem right to me, I'm naturally suspicious of people, well not all people and that's why I'm in the situation I'm in right now.

"That was pretty easy, that other team would have tortured you for that information." Brian commented.

"Yeah princess, why did you tell us?" I asked.

"I didn't trust them, I trust you." she said.

"Now why would you trust us?" Letty asked with a half-smile.

"You barely know us and he threw you off a cliff." I said, pointing to Dom.

"I know enough. Ex-cop, military, or something like that. The way you took out those guys shows training. Tech guy, offended by the hacker remark, naturally. Alpha, Mrs. Alpha, joker." she said referring to the team and then looking at me.

"Wrong, double alpha. Man candy, you know what I'm saying." Roman said.

"Man sit your candy ass down." Tej said.

"You are a bit confusing, you've got tech woman and alpha there but you're more of a solitary person. You are a part of the whole but you like to be your own individual." she said, looking at me once more.

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