Chapter 26 - Idiots & Art

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A/N: And we're done with You Don't Know Me! Thank you to all of the first-time readers and all of those who came back a second time. Next book will be up soon.

As soon as we landed I had to smile a little, pulling out my headphones I looked out at the beautiful view of the Canary Islands. Mia finally went home, she made her home. The first genuine smile I had in three days flashed over my face, she's finally home.

"Your car is in the parking area." Brian said with a smile.

He's home too, this is the place where they found happiness. When we walked out of the airport I had to laugh at the irony of their choice of transportation for me. A charcoal gray 1993 Honda Civic EJ1 was waiting there, sitting all majestic like in the sunlight. Memories, oh the memories behind this car. It's funny really, the car that brought us all together so many years ago.

I had on a pair of jean shorts, a black snapback hat, and t-shirt with a pair of galaxy Vans. (change outfit description & add photo) Even with the little clothes that I had on, I could still feel the heat. The closer we got to Mia's house the better I felt, especially since Hobbs didn't come with us. I don't mean to be petty but he was just irritating the hell out of me lately.

"Mia!" Brian shouted when we pulled up in front of the house.

"Brian? Did you find her? No one called me and you didn't answer my . . ."

"Nina!" Jack shouted as he ran out the door.

"Mi niño."

He ran into my arms and I smothered him with kisses, just inhaling his little boy scent. I missed him, I missed everyone so much more than I was willing to admit to myself.

"Mimi . . ."

"Oh you idiot!" she cried as she wrapped her arms around Jack and I.

"I missed you too." I laughed tearfully.

We spent the afternoon on the beach and I won't deny that I felt a little envy at the pictures in front of me. Mia, Brian and Jack, Letty and Dom, all happy and in love. It's petty I know, but I can't help it. Don't get me wrong I'm so happy for them, I . . . it's just that I can't help how I feel. At the same time I felt such a deep peace being here with family again that I sincerely didn't expect.

I know my best friend and I knew that Mia was going to corner me at some point of the day and I was proved right later on that night. I was sitting on the balcony with a cup of green tea just looking out at the ocean. This reminds me of one of the many trips that he took me on and that's exactly the reason Mia scolded me a good one.

"You're an idiot you know that." she said as she walked over to me.

"Mia, I . . ."

"No! How could you think that we'd be mad at you? That we would judge you for loving someone, whoever that person might be?" she demanded.

"Look at what he did to our family Mia, he hurt our family and when I saw him. . . He held his hand out for me and I hesitated, Mia I, hesitated. Part of me wanted to go with him, just jump into his arms and have him tell me that everything was going to be ok. I betra . . ."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. You are the last person who would ever betray us, you love him, it's obvious that you would have wanted to go with him." she said.

"Why can't any of you understand where I'm coming from? Why can't you try to see this my way? My family Mia was on the line and I love the man who tried to kill all of them, he succeeded in killing one of us." I argued.

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