Chapter 20 - Heels & Wheels

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"You can't give up feeling." she said.

"Why not? All it does is hurt you in the long run anyway."

"Feeling makes you who you are, you wouldn't be the same person." she said.

"It'll benefit me in the long run though. It's a decision that's already been made, I just made it and it's not going to change." I told her.

Leaving it at that I went to jump in the shower and by the time I was finished she was asleep but there was a knock on my door that surprised me. Dom and Letty were standing there in their pajamas and just looking at me worriedly.

"How can I help you guys?" I asked, pretty sure that I knew what this was about.

"We need to talk to you, well I do." Dom said.

"What about?" I asked them as I closed the door.

"We had a call from Ramsey who was worried about something that you told her." Letty said.

"Good for nothing little Brit." I muttered but they both heard me.

"You can't close off your heart." Dom said.

"It's not for any of you to decide for me, I've made the decision and that's it." I said, folding my arms in front of my chest.

"Your heart is what makes you Kaylee." he argued.

"My heart is what keeps getting me in trouble and I'm going to stop that." I said softly.

"Kaylee . . ."

"Stop, I'm not going to talk about this anymore. My decision has been made and that's that. I'll see you in the morning when we talk business, good night." I stated as I went into the room.

This damn little girl, she's so lucky that we need her for that damn information to manage the God's Eye thing. My intent was to really hurt her after all of this, can't trust no person in this shit right now. Knowing that if I stood in the room I would probably hit her I grabbed a key and walked out of the room. There was a lobby area on each floor that overlooked Abu Dhabi and that's where I went.

Abu Dhabi is really beautiful, the lights make quite the show at night. I pulled out my phone and started looking at old pictures of Shaw and me. It still hits me that I never really knew who he was, who he really was. Everything was a lie from college to the almost five years that I spent with him. Pulling up my messages I went through a few of our old conversations and let the tears fall once more. My heart was what got me in trouble all of the time and now I've finally decided to get over it, lock it away and not pay any attention to it anymore.

Next day was time to get ready, Letty had a sexy red dress, Ramsey had a slinky black dress and since I had no specific job tonight I had on a two-piece red top that had lace with a see-through paneling and a high neck and flouncy skirt set with high black high heels and rose gold accessories. It felt good to get all dressed up for no specific reason and I was just going to walk around until someone needed me anyway.

 It felt good to get all dressed up for no specific reason and I was just going to walk around until someone needed me anyway

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