Chapter 3 - Happy and Hungry

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Moments like this make me miss Leon, Vince, and Jesse. My sweet nerdy angel, may his soul rest in peace. Leon, only God knows what he's doing or where he is, and Vince, well, he's doing good enough for now. He has his family, he's back at home, and he's getting better every day.

Tej was manning the grill while Cara and I set the table. Mia, Brian, and Jack are walking around, Roman and Han are sitting close to Tej while Dom is talking to Letty. I can't keep the smile off of my face . . . we're free, we're home.

"Don't burn it this time. Please?" Roman told Tej.

"I never burn it, man." Tej argued.

Mia and I were wearing dresses, just for old times sake, and we left our hair down. I was wearing a simple black t-shirt dress and Mia grey. Everyone was just sitting around and enjoying the peace of ragging on each other. My family is all together in my home, my first real home, and nothing gets better than that.

 My family is all together in my home, my first real home, and nothing gets better than that

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I walked over to Dom and handed him a Corona. He put his arms around my shoulder and took a pull from my Corona.

"Hey!" I argued as he opened his own.

"It was available." he said as he put his arm around Letty now, making her chuckle over our bantering.

"So, do you remember any of this?" I asked her.

"No, not really, but it feels like home." she smiled.

"That's a start." I said.

She walked away to help out with the food and I smiled up at Dom. The happiness that I'm feeling is mirrored on his face. At this moment, everything seems perfect. We're safe, we're together, we're home. Cara, every time I look at her she's looking around and smiling. She told me that she keeps trying to picture me in all of the places of the stories that I've told her.

"Estamos en casa." I said.

"We made it." he replied, wrapping his arm around me.

"I almost didn't believe it . . . we're home, Dom. Clean slates and we're home, we have our home back." I told him with tears in my eyes.

"Now . . . now we start the rest of our lives."

"I don't know what mine holds but I can't wait to find out."

"What do you mean?"

"I can do anything I want, we're free. That leaves a lot of doors open." I said, smiling through the tears.

"True, it's perfection at this moment."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"Hey Mia, you better hide your baby oil . . . I'm just playing." Roman said when he noticed my uncle walking up the driveway.

Now that's not something I would've ever envisioned but here we are. Roman's on the money though, my uncle always looks like he just lathered himself in oil. The man sweats like a pig. I ran off and hugged Hobbs after saying hi to Elena, then I walked over to Cara while everyone waited for Hobbs' last word.

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