Chapter 7 - Playtime and Breakfast

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"Straight down the hallway."

Dex laid me softly on my bed and stood up to pull his shirt off.

"Gorgeous . . . Kaylee, be sure about this. I don't mind staying and just . . ."

"I'm sure, I want this . . . I want you." I told him, sitting up and unbuckling his jeans.

"Bloody hell." he groaned, his head falling back when I tugged his pants down and wrapped my hand around him.

I don't know if it's possible but he seems bigger than I remember, and I remember a lot of our sexcapades. Smiling up at him I kissed the tip of his member and his replying moan was music to my ears. I spent a few minutes orally pleasing him before he made me stop.

"Kaylee, let me take care of you, lay down." he said, before kissing me.

He finished pulling his pants off as I laid back and he slowly pulled off my shorts and panties. The hungry look in his eyes just makes my juices run for sure. He grabbed my leg softly and started placing kisses from my ankle all the way up to my pelvis, bypassing where I wanted him to stop.

"Dex . . ."

"You've such a beautiful body . . . so bloody damn sinful." he growled, biting the skin above my hip bone.

"Dex . . . please." I moaned.

"Mmm . . . you want this, love?" he asked, grabbing his cock.

"Yes . . ."

"Not yet." he smiled, dipping his head to kiss and suck the hard pebble of my nipple into his mouth.

He feasted himself on my breasts before making his way down between my thighs.

"So wet for me Kaylee." he groaned before that first touch of his tongue made me see stars.

Again he feasted on my body. I tried to raise my hips but he kept me down with one arm on my waist. Using the other arm to pump two fingers slowly into my wetness.

"Oh my God." I moaned, thanking every God available that these walls are so thick.

I tangled my hands in my sheets as he pushed me over the edge of my first orgasm of the night. My back bowed and my breathing turned erratic as the pure bliss of it washed over me.

"Tastiest dessert I've had in quite some time." he smirked as he kissed up my body.

"Dex please."

"Don't worry love, I've got you." he whispered, turning and reaching into his jeans for a condom.

He moved back up my body, kissing me hungrily as he positioned himself with one hand and used the other to lift my leg onto his hip. We locked eyes as he began to push inside of me, slowly. His length and girth isn't something to joke with, I could feel him push to give me all of his thickness.

"Look at me Kaylee, don't close your eyes." he groaned.

I fought to keep my eyes open and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him to me for another kiss.

"Mmm . . . Dex, so good." I murmured against his lips.

"That's it darling, take that cock . . . you feel so good."

His movements, the rhythm he set made me focus on us. Nothing else mattered and the world around us just didn't exist for this moment in time. This is more than sex and I've never had anything like it. I thought he was an amazing lover back in college, my memories were blown out of the water after tonight.

"Oh fuck . . . so good." I repeated.

"Hold onto me, darling."

I had multiple orgasms and lost track of time by the time his thrusts began to get sloppy in their movements.

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