Chapter 18 - Mindgames & Arguments

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You know, nothing ever goes the way that we want or plan it to. Next thing I see, the damn bus started to swerve and then it fell to its side . . . with Brian still inside. Now it did assist us in pushing the remaining 463 off the mountain but . . . Brian is still inside. What in the fucking high hell have I done to my life?

"Letty, eso no se ve bien." I said when the bus didn't stop moving down the road.
(that doesn't look good)

"It doesn't look like it's gonna stop either." she added.

"Yo! How are we getting him outta there?" Tej asked when the bus started to slip off of the cliff.

I didn't dare move any closer to the edge of the cliff to make sure that the pressure didn't make anything more crumble. If something happens to this man, Mia is going to have us all for dinner and I don't plan on losing anyone else on this damn job.

"Letty get in there!" I shouted when we saw Brian running over the bus.

I got out of my car and watched Brian soar as if in slow motion and my heart was about to fall out of my ass. Letty drifted in and Brian was able to grab onto the wing by the grace of God. She pulled him in and he flew off of the car, rolling over the dirt, and he just laid there for a few seconds.

"You good?" I asked him when I walked over.

"Yeah . . . thank you." he said to Letty.

"No problem." she replied.

"Now let's find Dom and get out of here." I said.

Brian got in the car with Letty as we tried to figure out what to do. We're getting radio silence from Dom which could mean one of two things: he's fine and just talking to Ramsey (the preferred option) or the most likely option which is, all hell is breaking loose and his priority isn't being on the radio. I'm inclined to believe it's the latter because when isn't it?

"Letty, what do you . . ."

"Roman, get back to the others." we heard.

"Dom?" I said.

"What about you?" Roman asked.

"Don't worry about me." Dom replied.

"Roman, what's happening?" Brian asked.

"We have some extra visitors." he said.

"Nobody, what's going on? Sheppard?" I asked.

"Dom is heading down the mountain but he does have some company." Mr. Nobody said.

"What company?" Letty asked.

"The terrorist who wants Ramsey now has them cornered on a cliff." Sheppard said.

"What the hell? Do something!" I argued.

"Roman!" Tej said.

"He's going down the mountain." Nobody said in an amused tone.

"He's what?" Letty and I asked in confusion.

"Down the mountain how?" I asked.

"He decided to go down a shortcut."

"What shortcut?" Letty asked.

"Down the rocky side."

"Oh Jesus, when can we ever do something according to plan?" I asked no one in particular.

"That'll be the day." Letty said.

"He's one hell of a man." Nobody chuckled.

"Alright, let's go down the mountain." I told everyone before driving away.

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