Chapter 9 - Home & Heart

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"Yes, I think we should both use this time to figure out what we want and . . ."

"Love, I don't have to figure that out. I know what I want and that's you, it's always been you." he stated

"I want you in my life, Dex but there can't be secrets like this." I argued.

"Damn it Kaylee, I can't tell you what you want to know. You need to understand that some secrets are best left a secret, please understand that." he begged.

"I'm here with you Dex, through thick and thin but you don't see that. You're not here, not fully invested the same way that I am." I sighed.

"That's a lie."

"No, it's not a lie and you know it. I might not tell you everything but I talk about my family all of the time. If I ask you about yours you deflect and change the topic. I finally come out and ask you about what you do when you disappear and you refuse to tell me. It's many little things that have grown into one large problem. It makes me think that there are bigger, scarier secrets, Dex."

"Kaylee . . ."

He walked up to me and put his hand under my chin, making me look up at him. I looked into his eyes, hazel eyes that I thought I knew perfectly, and saw the resistance there. As much as it hurts me I have to do this, I have to walk away. I got on my tiptoes and pressed my lips softly to his before moving back. Looking at him one last time, I walked over to my bag and picked it up. The damn thing feels so heavy but I know it's all in my mind because I don't really want to leave.

"Kaylee, don't leave me." he pleaded. "I love you."

"I love you too but I can't do this. Take this time to think, let me know what you want and we'll meet up wherever the next trip takes you. I can't keep living with secrets, Dex. It's no good for either of us." I told him before walking out.

On the other side of the door, I let the tears that clouded my vision fall. This is honestly, one of the hardest things I've had to do in the past five years and my heart is breaking a little. My family . . . my home, it's what I need right now.

The flight was long and tiring but I couldn't have been happier to step into LA, I'm back bitches. A bit jet-lagged and plenty tired but I'm back, running on pure adrenaline and the wanting to get home. I still have my contacts and I had a friend drop off my car at the airport, he texted me the location in the parking lot and I was surprised to see the Lamborghini Veneno. He couldn't have been a little more discreet.

There were a few guys standing around my car, taking pictures of it. One of them saw me watching them and just laughed at having been caught ogling the car.

"Sorry miss, we were just taking a few pictures. This car is amazing." he said, giving me the go-ahead to pass through where he was standing.

With a small laugh, I pressed the button for the alarm and popped the trunk making both of the guys stutter a little.

"Glad you like my car gentleman."

"Where did you get it?" one of them asked.

"Won it from a race in Australia. Who says girls can't drift?" I asked them, adding a wink before I hopped in the front seat.

Now the guys were ogling the car and its driver as I sped out of the parking garage and paid the ticket for the three hours that it was sitting there. Driving on these streets in this car makes me nostalgic. It brings back the times when Dom, Mia, and I would drive around these familiar streets and plan on having all the expensive cars our hearts wanted. We planned, well Mia and I did, of world domination while Dom just listened, kissed me, and laughed.

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