Chapter 25 - Hide & Seek

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Just hearing Mia made me feel better but it made everything hurt that much more at the same time. I miss them but I need the distance again.

"Kaylee, come home please. I know what happened, no one's mad at you Kiki, please come back. I need my sister." she pleaded.

"I love Mia, you and Jack. I love you all so much."

"Kaylee, come back please."

"I'm sorry Mimi, I need to do this again just for a little while."

Hanging up before the minute mark was the hardest thing to do, I let out a deep breath and let the tears fall. I probably shouldn't have called but I needed to hear her, my sister. I needed her to know that I haven't forgotten my family, I would never do that. After the phone call I just stood in the apartment, I couldn't bring myself to leave so I took a leisure day for myself. I'm seriously considering going back for a while but I can't find the confidence to go back.

I'm so completely embarrassed about my behavior that I wouldn't know what to say to any of them. It took another two weeks for me to make a decision, well technically I was forced into it. I was in my garage when Vida came running in. She appeared out of nowhere and was out of breath with a startled look in her wide eyes.

"Vida, anong problema?" I asked in tagalog, which is one of the native dialects.
(what's wrong?)

"Kaylee! May mga lalake sa bahay ma." she said.

(there are strange men in your house.)



"Hindi ko alam."

(I don't know)

"Dito ka lang, Vida."

(Stay here)

"Hindi ka pwede pumunta magisa!"

(You can't go alone)

"Hayaan mo ako ang pumunta."

(Let me do this)

"Magingat ka."

(be careful)

"Palagi." I told her.


I had taken to the tagalog language very quickly, especially with Vida's help which made up for most of my linguistic mistakes. Poor thing is so scared now that she's shaking.

"Wag ka magalala magiging okay din ang lahat."

(everything will be ok, don't worry)

I grabbed a gun that I always have near me and made my way to the apartment. It was maybe five minutes away from the garage and my heart was beating a mile a minute. I haven't had any mentionable issues with anyone here but I always keep a firearm in close proximity, force of habit. I mean, there were a few men that didn't appreciate the irony of a female mechanic but now they bring their cars to me. Who the hell is in my place?

"Anong nangyayare?" one of my neighbors asked when he saw the gun.

(what's going on)

"Hindi ko alam, ang sabi ni Vida may mga tao sa bahay ko."

(I don't know, Vida said there were men in my house)

"Kailangan mo ba ng tulong?"

(do you need help)

"Akong bahala kaya ko ito."

(I've got this)

"Basta sumigaw ka lang pag kailangan mo ng tulong." he said as his brothers came out.

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