Chapter 11 - Fun & Pain

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Getting my mind back in the Race Wars mentality, I went all in for the first two races and won . . . of course, and Letty was up next. Dom was more than a little bit worried, you could see it in his body language. Well, I can see it anyway. He went over to my car when Letty got in and said something to her. It's obvious that whatever he said didn't sit quite right with her but he walked away and it's concerning.

"Dom, you need to have her space." I said when he stood next to me.

"I think this was too much for her and too soon." was his answer.

"She's doing fine so far, don't deny her the chance to remember her home."

"Kay, she hasn't remembered anything in the past four years." he argued.

"That's not fair and you know it. What she went through was tough, we're aware that she might never get her memory back but these are things that can jog hidden memories. Just give her some air."

"I wish there was something I could do."

"That's the problem, you're used to fixing everything Dom. This isn't something that you can fix, she's trying hard to remember . . . too hard and I think it's working against her. Just let her live and . . . there goes our girl." I muttered when she took off.

Our day was interesting to say the least, we can never just have a normal, no drama kind of day. Letty panicked after she won the race and everyone surrounded her, then she booked it like a bat out of hell. Not before nailing Hector square in the mouth with her left elbow . . . that was a work of pure beauty. Dom and I stayed for a while, racing a bit but our heart wasn't in it without Letty, which isn't to say that we lost because we didn't. I slept the entire ride home.

He dropped me off and I made arrangements to get another car since Letty hijacked mine for her . . . adventure? As I sat on my sofa, I thought about something to do on a Sunday morning and I have a brilliant freaking idea. Tomorrow will be a beach day. I'll convince Mia to come and she'll get the guys to come. We'll play around with Jack and just have a simple, fun family day. I believe this will work, Mia needs to relax and Dom needs the distraction.

As soon as I woke up Sunday morning I went home, everyone was up already and agreed to a family beach day without much insistence on my part. My things were in the passenger seat so all I had to do was change. I brought a black bikini with a white cover-up, a pair of flip flops and a snapback with a witty comment that everyone would expect from me.

"Come on Jack, the water's nice." I shouted to my godson.

Together we sat at the edge of the water and built every type of sandcastle he could imagine. He even wanted to build a house so that madrina could stay close to home and that broke my heart a little. It reinforces my want to stay closer to home after I resolve things with Dex. I promised him that I would.

I picked him up and walked into the water with Mia and Brian until it hit me about mid stomach because we didn't want to bring him in too deep. People still stare and whisper loud enough for us to hear while pretending that they're trying to be discreet. At this point, it really doesn't bother any of us. We know what we did, we know why we did it, and we know that we'd do it again if we were put in the same position. So why dwell on the naysayers.

For a few minutes, I got out of the water and just sat on the shore watching my family. Mia, Brian, Jack, and Dom, who's alone now that Letty's out discovering herself. It's family in the best sense of the word and we all love each other. Yet, at the same time, I sort of feel like an outsider. As if they're on one side of a glass and I'm on the other, it's petty and mean but I can't help that little sliver of a feeling. I miss Dex, he made my days brighter but I have Jack to do that now. He lights up everything from the inside out and is just such a ray of sunshine. He fills my heart with love every time he smiles at me.

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