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Lily smiled as she was reading a book Matt walked in. "Hey." She looked up at him smiling. "What are you reading?" Lily showed the book smiling.

"Let me guess." She said as he sat down on her bed. "You want a kiss before going to bed?"

"You know me so well."

The two leaned in causing them to share a kiss. They pulled away smiling before reconnecting. Lucas stood at the door shaking his head as he shut his sister's door knowing that Matt will be in there talking to Lily most of the night or making out with her.
The next morning, Lily smiled as she walked in with Lucas, Matt and Mary to see pancakes. "Oh lord." She said. "Did something happening?"

"Did you and dad have a fight?" Mary asked.

"No. You're father is upset because no one knows the National Anthem."

Lily grabbed her plate and started getting food. Matt pulled Lily down beside him as Lucas and Mary started talking to Eric about going to dinner with John and Keesha as Matt looked at his father. "Dad, can I borrow some money. I need to get things for tonights dinner for me and Lily."

Lily looked at him. "You didn't tell me anything about a date."

"It was going to be a surprise, but I thought since you were already in here..."

"You want me to help you?" She said as he nodded with a smile. "Deal."

Matt smiled as the two started eating. Lily looked at her brother wondering what they are actually doing."
After school, Lucas offered to go get Mary as Matt wrapped his arms around her. "What would you like to have for dinner, Lily?"

Lily started thinking about what they walked to John and Keesha. "Hmm." She said as Keesha looked at them. "Keesha, what do you two think Matt and I should fix together?"

"Something romantic." Keesha said. "I hate the two of you aren't going to be there."

"Same." Lily said. "I guess Matt's been planning this for awhile though."

"Let's go to the store."

Lily nodded as she walked away with Matt. Lucas shook his head as they walked together laughing and kissing.
At home, Lily stood with Matt's arms around her as they cooked dinner. "Smells good." He tells her causing her to look at him. "I meant you."

"We're supposed to be cooking, but instead, you can't keep your hands off of me." She tells him with a smile. "I love you, Matt."

"I love you, Lily and I can't help it."

Lily smiled at him as they shared a loving kiss.
The next morning, Lily was looking through her notes with Matt. Lucas stood eating cereal when Eric walked over to him with a glass. "What's this?"

"That's a glass."

Lily looked at her brother as Lucas was talking about the glass. Matt looked at her as Lucas was told to take it back making Lily have a very bad feeling about this. "Matt..."

"I'm right here."

"I have a very bad feeling about this." She tells him as she looked at him. "A very bad feeling."
Lily sat in her room thinking about a lot of things. Matt walked in to tell her for what happened to Lucas. "Lily." She looked up. "Lucas was arrested for stealing a glass."

"What? Lucas would never steal unless...he's covering for someone." She said. "Mary."

"The team."

She nodded as they saw Lucas walk by. Matt hugged Lily as she didn't know what to say at the moment. Her brother is taking the fall for her best friend because of pressure from the team. "Will you stay for a bit?"

"Sure." Matt said as they lay side by side.

Lucas saw them laying on the bed, but smiled as they were respecting the stay over the blanket rule. Lily laid her head on Matt's chest as she closed her eyes.
The next morning, Matt and Lily heard Lucas talking to Eric. She looked at her brother as Eric and Annie offered to listen. "I could have listened to him." She said.

"I know, but I think it's time for us to get the rest of our things for school." He tells her. "Lucas will see what is happening. Okay?"

Outside, Lily smiled as they got home. Lucas wasn't happy about everyone's support. "Lucas, I'm your sister and I will be there."

"She's made a point." Matt said as he followed his girlfriend inside.
At the court house, Lily was nervous for her brother. Matt grabbed Lily and walked to another hall. "Don't worry about this. Lucas has all this under control." He tells her.

"He's my brother though..."

"And he's my best friend. The truth will come out soon. All we can do is support your brother." He tells her. "Let's go get something to drink."

Lily smiled as she kissed him. The two walked together to get a drink before the trail.
When the trail began, Lucas was called up to the stand. "Is his parents here?"

"No, but we are his guardians." Eric said as they were called up to the stand.

Matt grabbed Lily's hand as they listened to the judge. She looked at Matt as she was scared. Mary jumped up and confessed. Lily watched as her best friend walked up there telling them what happened. The door opened causing them to see everyone from the athletic team brining everything that was stolen. "Oh my god." She said as she looked at Matt.

Matt smiled as he wrapped his arms around Lily as they listened to the judge. When he said that he will drop the charges, Lily kissed Matt as Mary hugged Lucas. Lucas looked at them and shook his head. "I like to hug my sister."

Lily pulled away and looked at her brother. "I love you, Lucas."

"Love you too, Lils."

Lily gave him a look because that was the one thing she wasn't going to deal with is her nickname. Matt looked at Lily as she walked to the clerk and signed up to volunteer. "Why?"

"Because my brother and best friend is doing it so why can't I?'

"I'll join you."
Arriving at home, Lily held Matt's hand as they walked in. Simon was hiding something causing her to look at him as she ignored the conversation. They walked into the living room and watched as Simon helped Ruthie. She smiled as they young girl started singing. She walked over as Ruthie waved her over and started singing the National Anthem.

Matt smiled at the one girl that had his heart and knew he right there. She was going to be his wife. Lucas smiled at his sister as Lily held Ruthie's hand as everyone cheered. Matt walked over to Lily and kissed her. Ruthie smiled as did Simon. Everyone was happy.

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now