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Lily walked into the house with the others. "Where's Matt?" Annie asked.

Lucas grabbed his sister causing Matt to look at them. "Traitors."

"I love you too." She says as she ignored her brother. She went over to Matt. "I'll be in my room."

Matt nodded as she walked away. "Where's Mary?"

"I don't know, but do you think dad will let me and Lily move into the attic together?" He asked.

"We'll talk about this together when your father isn't busy." Matt nodded as he ran to the stairs to work on his homework with Lily.
"What are you up to?" She asked as Matt walked into her room.

"Nothing." He says. 'I want it to be a surprise."

Lily kissed him as their little puppy walked in. "Remind me why you named him Scooby?"

"Because I always wanted to name a puppy after my favorite tv show dog." She tells him as she kissed him. "And I was thinking about us maybe one day, having a room together, if Eric allows it."

"Hmmm. I'll see what dad thinks." He says kissing her.

"Hey." Lucas says causing them to look at him. "I just lied to Annie about Mary.'

"I'm staying out of it because they know when I lie." Lily says. "I can't lie."

"That's true." Matt says. "Want a sandwich?" She nodded. "I'll be right back. Let's go, Lucas. We need to talk."

Lucas looked at his sister as she shrugged not knowing what Matt was up too. Whatever it was, she couldn't wait to find out. The blonde looked at her homework and sighed as she wondered what her brother was doing and she also wondered why Tom came by. She didn't know what Tom was doing, but she wondered what was up with Mary being in detention. "This is going to be a long week."
"Good, you both are in here." Matt says causing them to look at him. "I talked to mom, but I need both of you. Can I turn the attic into a bedroom for me and Lily to move into. We won't have sex till marriage, but I would like to experience what it's like to live with Lily in the same room."

"You already live with her."

"Dad, in the same room. Just me and Lily. No interruptions besides Scooby." Matt says. "Please."

"We'll talk about that and we will let you know." Eric says.

Matt nodded as he walked away as Annie looked at him. "I think it's a terrific idea." She tells him. "They'll do great."

"I think so too." He says.
Lily and Matt were walking downstairs with Lucas and Mary. "Hey." Matt says. "What are you three doing?'

"Going to the mall."

"Great idea." Matt says. "Me and Lily were thinking of heading to the mall ourselves."


"Matt wants to go for some odd reason and I happen to want to be on a date with him." She says.

"Take the kids."

"Let Mary do it." Matt and Lucas says.

Lily looked at them as Mary glared at the boys. Lily sighed as she wondered what was happening and what else was going on. Why was Lucas so determined to get Mary to take Simon and Ruthie.
Lily walked into the living room. "Lily, can you and Matt watch Lucy?"

"Sure." She says. "We just got back."

"Did you two go to the mall?"

"No. Matt actually changed his mind and took me on a date." She says smiling. "Is there a problem?"

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