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Lily smiled as her and Annie we're heading home. She had the music up some and singing along. "I don't know if it's the bass or I'm having a heartache." Lily giggled as she turned it down just to hear crackling. "Turn over, Lily. It could be a loose wire."

"Okay." Lily said as she did just that. As Lily waited for Annie, a man appeared in the window putting a gun to Lily's head. "A-Annie!"

Annie didn't hear till after she fixed the wire. "Got it." She said as she saw the situation. "Okay. This will be the easiest robbery you'll get."

"Give me your money."

"Take my purse." Annie tells him.

"You too, sweetie."

Lily was scared by this and did as told. Once he got all their belongings and the keys, Lily started crying. Annie hugged the blonde knowing she was scared. "Oh honey." Annie tells her. "It's okay."
To say Lily wasn't afraid was an understatement. Matt stood behind Lily worried for her. Lily let Annie explain the details. Once the cops left, Annie walked to check on Ruthie as Eric looked at Lily who walked into her room. "Matt, she needs you."

"I know, but what should I say?"

"It comes from your heart."

Matt walked to Lily's room. Lily sat on her bed when Matt walked in. "Lily?" She got up and kissed him. At first he was shocked, but kissed back.

"Please don't talk about that." Lily asked him.

"I won't." He tells her as they sat on her bed.

"Just... hold me." She said after a minute of hesitation. Matt smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and they laid on her bed. "I love you."

"I love you."
The next morning, Lily stood with Matt getting the keys as she was getting a water. Lily held her hand out. "I'll go start it."

"Okay." Matt said as she walked out.

"How's my sister?" Lucas said as he walked in scratching.

"She seems fine." Matt said as he walked out with his sisters.

Lily sat in the driver's seat staring. Images of what happened the night before going through her head. Matt saw Lily as Mary and Lucy got to the car. "Lily?" Mary asked. When they didn't get an answer, Lucy ran in as Matt ran to the car.


Lily looked at Matt and hugged him as tears fell. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, I would be in the same exact state." He tells her. "You have nothing to apologize for or be ashamed. I'm sure everyone would go through the same thing as you and mom." Lily didn't say a thing. "Let's just stay home."


Eric walked over and hugged Lily. "Matt's right. People go through the same thing and have different reactions."

Lily heard Matt and Annie talking about getting Mary and Lucy. "Matt, I called her and she agreed to talk to me after school."

"Do you need me to be there." Annie asked,

"I have Matt."

Annie smiled as she watched the two leave to pick up Lucy and Mary.
Lily heard Simon and walked in to see him. "Oh Simon." She replied as he looked at her.

"Am I done yet?" Simon asked as Matt walked in.

"When you look like a giant corn dog than your done. Now let's get you in the shower,"
Lily laughed as she left.
Later, Lily was sharing a desert with Matt as Simon listened. "Lily, will you finally tell me."

"I have never been close to a gun in my life till that night. Feeling that gun at my head..." she started crying as Matt hugged her. Lucas sighed and hugged the two.

"I'm just glad to have my sister." Lucas replies as he started scratching making Lily smack him. "Seriously."

"No scratching." She tells him as he left.

Lily rested her head on Matt's shoulder as Simon walked back over. Matt kissed her head as she started to doze off. "I'm sorry Lily is going through this."

"Me too, but she's going to be fine." Matt said as he looked at her. "She's brave."
The next day, Lily was painting her room when Matt and Lucas walked in. "Did you know about a police line up today?" Lucas asked making her stop and shake her head. "I'll get the car."

Lily went back to painting as Matt walked over. "Hey, is something bothering you?'

"I don't think I'm ready." She tells him.

"Lily, you are the bravest person I know. I want my Lily Hartman back cause this Lily that doesn't talk much worries me." Matt tells her. Lily looked at  him and smiled. "Ready?"

At the police station, Matt held Lily's hand as they looked at the line up. Lily looked at Matt and shook her head.

Not long after they left, Lily was shocked to be back at the police station with Annie, Matt, and Eric. The police had them roll up their sleeves making Lily gasp and grab Matt. "That's him." Lily said after seeing the tattoo.

"Yes. That's him." Annie replies.

"Will you be willing to testify."

Lily looked at Annie and grabbed her hand. "Yes."
Lucas hugged his sister. "Now I know what you went through when you had chicken pox."

"I still blamed it on mom."

Lucas laughed. "Ready to go home."


Matt walked over and kissed her. Lucas was surprised just as Lily was. "What was that for?"

"I got my Lily back." Lily smiled at him as she linked her arm with his and walked out the church with Mary and Lucy. "Hey Mary! Movie marathon?"

"Let's go."

I skipped two episodes so enjoy.

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