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Breakfast at the Camden's was always the same. Matt pestering Mary, Simon and Ruthie watching tv while eating. Lily walked in yawning. as Simon turned the tv to the news and stopped at the fire at a church. "Oh my god."

"Dad!" Simon called out as he ran.

Lily sat down on the couch as Lucas took a place beside her. They didn't noticed the others walk in till Matt placed his hand on Lily's shoulder making her look up at him. The news of a church burning down bothered them.
That morning Lily sat with Matt for service. She laid her head on his shoulder not liking what might happen. To Lily the blacks deserve their chance too and that is how God saw it. Lily knew that some were not liking that all the members from the black church was there. "Matt, some here are judging."

"Lily." Matt mumbled.

Lily nodded knowing this will be a huge problem.
Awkward silence for the three eldest Camdens and the Hartmans. Matt had his arms around Lily as she was listening to Matt and Mary make conversation. Lily sighed and looked at them. "Guys..." Before she could finish, Mary and Lucy left with Matt kissing her head before him and Lucas left. "I'm so sorry. They don't know what to say in this situation. As you know my name is Lily and I would like to know you guys."

They smiled that at least one listened and understand them.
Lily walked out and sat beside Matt. She didn't listen to them talking as she was trying to understand the situation. She looked up and saw Matt and Mary playing. Lucas sat beside his sister. "What's wrong, Lils?"

"This whole thing is going to turn into a disaster because all of you are treating them differently and not the same like you do the others. Their human beings too and the color of their skin shouldn't matter nor race. I'm sorry Lucas, but I'm need some fresh air." Lily walked over to Matt and kissed him. "I'm going for a walk. You can join or not."

"Let's go." Matt replies as he left with Lily.

"When are those two apart."

"Never unless bed or bathroom." Lucas replies as he started playing ball with Mary.
Lily and Matt sat together at the table with the other family. They listened to Eric's announcement and knew that didn't settle well for the Matt, Lucy, Mary, and Lucas. Lily smiled at them warily knowing this was going to end horribly.
Lily heard Lucas rushing Lucy and Keesha. "Lucas, that is enough." Lily tells him. "I get you four are having a hard time, but John and Keesha are just like us. The more you get to know them the better."

Matt sighed and kissed Lily's head. She was right. They were treating them differently. They sat in the back as everyone sat in the front. She felt a hand squeeze making her look at him. They shared a loving kiss as Lucas drove off.
Lily arrived at the elementary to get Simon with Matt. John and Matt got out to talk to the officer. Something didn't feel right. She got out and glared at the officer. "Do your job right and John didn't do nothing.'

"Lily, lets go." Matt said as he pulled Lily away.
Lily and Matt was enjoying dinner. She smiled as John and Matt was finally getting used to one another. Lucas looked at his sister who was smiling at the sudden change of mood. Everything seemed just perfect especially when Ruthie got John.
Lily was waited for Matt as they were heading out for their date. She saw Matt and smiled. John watched them with Lucas. "They really do love one another."

"Matt's been in love with Lily since we moved here." Lucas tells him. "She's everyone's guidance."
The next day was church and Lily walked with Matt smiling at what they were doing. Matt looked at her and kissed her head. "This will be fun." Matt said.

"This was all Eric's idea and God loves every moment of everyone getting together to prove that everyone stands together."

"You never seem to surprise me Lily Hartman."

"That's why you love me, Matt Camden."

Matt smiled as he kissed her before helping her it down. Seeing everyone together and supporting one another was the best thing to ever happen for Morgan and his family.

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now