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Lily sat sketching when she heard that Julie was there. She walked into the room as Matt hugged his aunt. He saw Lily and smiled. "Oh. Aunt Julie this is my girlfriend Lily and her brother Lucas."

"Oh my god. Lily, look how much you have grown." She said as Matt kissed her head. "I'm glad the two of you are finally together."

"Thanks." She replies.

"Let's get her upstairs." Matt suggested as he held Lily's hand as they walked upstairs with Lucas behind them. The three already having plans for thanksgiving. Lily has a feeling that this dinner might turn out horribly, but she doesn't know why.
Lily smiled as she sat with Matt. She saw Ruthie and smiled. "Dinner has went well so far."

"Yes it has."

"I'm surprised no one hasn't brought up thanksgiving plan '96." Lily looked at Matt and smiled. She continued to eat as Eric talked. "Matt, I thought about what you said."

"And we are not going to spoil the surprise for Lily."

Lily looked up. "What surprise?" She asked.

"Shouldn't have said a word."

"Hush, Lucas. Your ditching for a ski trip." Lily tells him than looks at her boyfriend. "I didn't know you planned something."

"You'll see." He said as he kissed her head making Julie smile.

Lily smiled as she took a drink of water. She heard Julie cheers to Eric and Annie for their parenting and experiment. Lily smiled as she took another drink. Looking at Matt, excited for this thanksgiving surprise. "Who's going to clean the kitchen?" Lily gave her a look. "Besides you, Lily."

"Have fun you four." Lily said as she made her way up to her room.
Lily was hanging her clothes up and saw her brother making out with his girlfriend that he is going skiing with. She closed the blinds as she felt arms wrap around her and lips touch her neck. "Yes, Matt?"

"Excited for what I have plan?"

"It's torture that you won't tell me, but more excited to find out." She tells him as she looked at him in the mirror. "Can you give me a hint at least?"

"Let's just say it's the two of us. Alone."

Lily blushed as she looked at him. He leaned down and kissed her. Whatever his plan was, Lily couldn't wait.
At church, Matt had his arm draped over Lily's shoulder as she was smacking her twin. Lucas knew she was slightly upset that her uncle couldn't make it to dinner because of work, but was glad he will visit soon. She smiled as she listened to the service till she heard something fall.

They looked to see Julie dropped her purse, but something tells her that she is hiding something.
"Mommy!" Lily heard making her run.

She ran in and saw Julie hurting Simon. "Let him go!" She cried out as she shoved Julie away and held a crying Simon. Annie came in and saw the scene.

"Get out of my house!"

"Sh." Lily said as she started singing a song to him. The same one her mother used to sing when she got hurt.

Annie hugged Simon and Lily as Ruthie hugged them. Lily kissed Simon's head knowing he was upset and scared of what his own aunt just did. "It's okay." Annie said. "Mommy's here."

Lily looked at Annie and sighed as she didn't know what to say.
Lily sat in Matt's lap as she listened to them talk. Lucas knew that the Camden's are doing right by getting her help. All this was ruining plans for thanksgiving. Hearing shouting caused Lily to get up and see Annie and Eric. Matt and Lucas went to help. She heard Julie's comments.

"Lily, oh, my beautiful Lily." She said smiling with tears. "I love you, Lily."

"Than get help." She said as she went to her room.
Lily smiled as she finished putting things away when Lucas walked in. "I already know." She tells him. "It's good because we need to be here for Julie."

"So your not upset about the surprise."

"I am, but I know Matt has a backup." Lily said as she sat down. "How did Mary take the news?"

"She is not too happy."

Lily rolled her eyes and laid down. Lucas sat at the foot and looked at her. "Seeing Julie like that brought memories back of aunt Stacy."

"She busted my head open." Lily said. "That's why seeing Simon hurt bothered me because it brought back that time our aunt was drunk and hurt me."

Matt walked in and looked at his girlfriend. She looked up and walked over to him hugging him. Lucas hugged her too knowing this was bothering Lily a little to much. "Let's hope she gets the help she needs before it's too late."
Lily and Matt watched Lucas and his girlfriend fight about the ski trip. "She doesn't understand." Lily said as Matt nodded. "You know you can..."

"I have another plan." He tells her. "I thought about it really hard the other night and I want it to be more special than what I have planned."

Lily kissed him to calm him down. "Everything you do is special, Matt. I know I will love it just as much as I love you." She tells him. "I'll just be glad to spend time with you."

Matt smiled. "How did I get so lucky?" He asked as Lily pointed up making him laugh as he kissed her.
Lily was ignoring Mary's attitude and she knew her brother and Matt left to talk to Eric. She looked at her room and thought something didn't feel right. Lily went to go check on her brother and Matt and saw Matt in the floor in front of Julie's room. "Oh Matt." She said as she sat beside him as her brother looked mad. "It's the addiction talking." Lily said.

"I know, but she didn't have to say she hated Matt." Lucas tells her. "Me I don't care as I have a sister and uncle that loves me, but man, that's their aunt and she said that of things."

Lily kissed him. "I love you and so does your family."

Matt hugged her close to him. She was right.
Lily smiled as she put flour on her brother making him get her back. "What's going on in here?"

Lily smiled. "We're fixing dinner."

"It's a work in progress." Matt said kissing her head.

"Matt take Lily to that surprise and Lucy, it's not too late to go over to Jimmy's." Annie said and looked at Mary. "If it makes you uncomfortable to be here, than go hang out with your girlfriends."

"Nope, we're cooking." Simon said. "And your going to like it."

Lily rolled her eyes as she kissed his head. "I'm going to get everything setup." She said as she left the kitchen.
Lily stood with Matt and Lucas as everyone waited for Mary. Simon backed away causing them to see Julie and smile. "She's taking a big step." She tells Matt and Lucas.

"Bigger step than what our aunt took."

"Yes." Lily replies as they all sat down. She watched everyone start talking and smiled when Julie admitted her drinking problem. She knew that Julie will be fine.

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