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Lily was getting ready for bed. Matt leaned against the door looking at the blonde. "Hey." She looked at him smiling. "Thought I'll come and say goodnight."

The blonde walked over to him. Matt wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He says. "I love you, Lily."

"I love you, Matt. Now go."

Matt laughed as Lucas shook his head. "Did Mary say no?" He asked Matt as they walked off to their room.

"She said she did then threw a pillow at me." Matt says. "Little sisters."

"Can't say that. Lily is five minutes older than me."

Matt laughed as they walked to their beds and went to bed. He thought about Lucy's friend that called and asked him could they take one back. Matt knew that getting this puppy back, him and Lily will have their first pet together. He was going to surprise her.
The next morning, Lily walked down stairs dressed for school. Lucas hugged his twin making her smile. "Do I have to ask?"

"Let's go eat."

The blonde smiled as she walked into the kitchen. Matt walked over and kissed her. "Good morning, baby." He says.

"Good morning." She tells him. "Ohh. Breakfast."

Matt laughed till they heard Lucy causing the four teens to groan. "This is going to be a long ride." Lucas says. "Joy."

"Shut up." Lily says as they put their dishes away and grabbed their things. "Let's go."

Matt looked at his parents as he wasn't looking forward to the ride to school. Lily looked at him and kissed him. "You make my day better."
At school, Lily was by her locker as she was putting her books in. She heard the bell rang causing her to shut her locker to see Mary going to the mens bathroom. "Mary, what are you doing?"

"Michael Towner put things about me..."

"Ignore what she said." Lily tells her. "You going in there is going to make it worse."

"He never asked you out though."

Lily gave her a look causing Mary to sigh as everyone in the school knows about her and Matt. The blonde hugged Mary before going to school. She stopped as she saw Matt and Lucas. "Matt." She says causing him to walk over to her and kiss her.

"Hey, Lily."

The couple pulled back smiling. "Hi." She says looking at her boyfriend. "Michael Towner has written something on the bathroom stall about Mary." She tells him. "You need to go see what is said before Mary does something recklessly."

"Thanks, baby." He says kissing her one last time. "Get to class."

Lily nodded as she kissed her brother's cheek before heading to class.
At home, Lily was doing her homework in her room with Matt as Lucas was in his and Matt's room doing homework. "You know Mary is in there talking to him." She tells him.

"I know." He replies. "Why do you think I came in here?"

"Matt, don't do anything stupid..."

"It's not just her. If he did that to you, I would want to kill him." He says as Lily walking over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

'Matt Camden, don't do something that will reflect back on you and Lucas. I know you two are watching out for Mary, but this idea of yours could cause someone to get hurt." She tells him as she kissed his cheek. "I love you, Matt, but sometimes, Mary is going to be a big girl and stand her own battles. Not her big brother to do everything for her or her friend to do the same."

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