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Lily stood downstairs beside Matt smiling as the Camden's had a family moment. She sighed knowing that something was wrong. Lily watched as Matt asked, but got no answers. "Matt?"

He turned and hugged her. She knew he wanted to know the issue, but no answer. Lily smiled at her brother and walked over just to hug him. "Is there something wrong?" Lily shook her head no. Matt watched the love of his life hug her brother and realized their parents anniversary was near and knew Lily would need them.
Lily smiled as she walked in and heard her brother on the phone. She knew that Matt and Lucas was hiding something. Matt never hides anything from her.

Later on, she walked downstairs to hear Matt and Lucas tell Annie they were going to the library. She sighed and walked upstairs.
Eric walked downstairs he noticed Lily wasn't in her room and looked for the blonde to see her sound asleep in Ruthie's room. He walked downstairs to see Lucas and Matt. "Kitchen! Now!"

Lucas wanted to check on his sister, but instead went to the kitchen. He saw Eric testing the phone and asked where they were. "Matt was helping me with a friend. She wasn't feeling good."

"Do you two have any idea how worried we were. Especially Lily."

"Lily?" Matt asked.

"She stayed up last night worried." Annie tells them. "She may not talk to you guys for awhile."
Lucas saw his sister walking with Mary and sighed. As did Matt. Lily meant everything to Matt and knowing she was hurting and upset with him meant he messed up.

After school, Lily went straight upstairs instead of talking to Annie. "Where's Lily?" She asked. Lily was always in there to help her and this time Matt messed up. "Lucas and Matt, we need to talk."

After Matt and Lucas left, Lily smiled as she saw Ruthie. "There's my little curly head friend." She said as Mary smiled. "Let's go play."
Lily walked down and stood behind Simon. She saw a pregnant girl standing beside her brother as Matt stood by. She looked at Matt hurt. "Lily." Lily ran upstairs making Annie sigh.

"I got her mom." Mary said as she ran upstairs. "Lily!"

"What?" She said crying. "Can this week get better."

"Why can't you tell Matt?"

"Because this. This is the reason why I never said anything." Lily confessed. "I'm not hungry."

Mary walked downstairs just to see Matt. "You have to make it up to her." Mary said as she walked in to eat. Matt sat down as Annie and Renee.

"Where's Lily?"

"She's not hungry."

Matt sighed knowing this is all his fault. Lucas sighed. "I should have told Lily. She would have helped us out. Lily knows more about guiding people. She could have helped you Renee."

"She sounded upset." Renee pointed out.

"That's my fault." Matt said as he left and walked upstairs. He heard crying and looked to see she was in Ruthie's room. "Lily?"

"Go away, Matt."

"I didn't mean to make you worry or lie. Lucas came to me." Lily looked at him. "He was the one who found Renee not me. I wanted to tell you, but Renee and Lucas begged me not too." Lily sat up as Matt sat down beside her. "I should have told you, but I love you."

Lily was shocked. "Y-you love me?" Matt nodded. Lily hugged him crying. "I-I love you too." She said making Matt hug her.

He pulled her back and wiped her tears away. Matt kissed her making her smile. Lily was happy that their feelings were known.
Lily smiled as she came back from the store. She had a bouquet of flowers and heard Simon tell her brother that he should marry Renee. Lily laughed and walked inside without being noticed. "Here Annie."

"Oh Lily, those are beautiful." Matt walked in and stole a kiss from Lily in front of Annie. "Glad to see the two of you are happy."

Matt and Lily looked at her and smiled. Lily hugged Matt not seeing her brother smile. Lucas was happy that the two were happy.
Lily smiled as she stood with Matt at church watching Simon collect money. "He did a good thing." She said. "Ready to go in."

"Yes." Matt said as he took her hand and walked in as Lucas stood outside. Lily smiled at Renee as she sung. "I never asked, but why don't you sing."

"No." She tells him.

"Why?" Matt said as Lily looked at him making him smile. "I'm the only one you'll sing too."

"Ruthie too." She replies as they turned their attention back to the front. Everything was going to be just fine.

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now