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Lily woke up to someone kissing her. "Matt, I'm trying to sleep in."

"I know, but watching you sleep makes me think of how lucky our lives are." He says causing her to look at him. "Lily, one day I will marry you and I get to watch you carry my children."

Lily smiled as she knew he was right. One day, they would get married, but for now, she likes how things are between them. "I love you, Matt."

"I love you, Lily."

They heard Lucas and shared a look causing them to laugh as they don't know what to do with Lucas sometimes.
When Amy's best friend came and Lily noticed the way the woman took interest in Lucas, she decided that she needed to get out of the house and spend time with her boyfriend. Maybe they can talk about their plans for after high school. Next year is their senior year. She picked up a picture of her and Matt and smiled as they really needed to talk about something.

"Hey." She heard and looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She tells him. "Matt, let's go somewhere and talk."

Matt nodded as they walked out of the house. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. It's just that I think we need to think about our future. Graduation is next year and the two of us have barely talked about what we wanted. Like moving out, getting married, and starting a family."

Matt put his arms around her as they got on the sidewalk. "I would like for us to get a home of our own, but we need to get jobs first." He tells her. "The other two, I actually have a surprise for next year. I think we can talk about that once we graduate."

Lily smiled as she kissed his cheek. "Okay. Then let's talk about what college and career the two of us wants." She says. "I want to go to the same college as you."

"I want that too." He says.

Lucas ran out to hang out with his sister and best friend, but seen where they went. He'll have to tell Annie what her friend is trying to do. Lucas doesn't like how she's trying to get with him and him only seventeen. "Annie!" He called out as he ran back in to tell her everything.

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now