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Lily walked over to her parents grave and smiled sadly. "There is so much I want to say, but I know you guys already know. I miss you guys." Lucas had Matt walk over as he watched Simon and Ruthie. Matt wrapped his arms around her.



The two walked over as they saw Annie's father driving off. Lily walked over and hugged Annie as they stood there watching the taxi disappear. Matt placed his hand on Lily's back making her smile.
Lily felt Matt kiss her head making her smile. "We're home." Lily smiled as her and Matt walked around. Lily saw her brother talking to Renée. "Hey." Renee smiled as she hugged Lily. "How is the baby doing?"


"Anytime now." Lily said as Annie walked over.

"We're going to greet people." Matt says as he drags his girlfriend away. She knew Matt and Lucas had plans to hang out as Lily was going to help Renee prepare for the baby and help Annie.

"I'm going to help the girls give out food."

"Okay and I'll see you later after we get back from Jeff's." Matt tells her as he kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you."
Lily smiled as she was walking around looking for Matt as she heard from Mary about breaking up with Jeff. Instead she saw Renee. "Hey, are you okay?"

"No. I think the baby is coming."

Lily nodded and started helping Renee. "I'm right here." She said as she helped Renee. She saw Matt and smiled. "She's in labor." Matt nodded and ran to find Lucas. "We're almost at the limo."

"Thank you, Lily."

Lily squeezes her hand as she walked out. Annie was helping Lily with Renee as Matt and Lucas came out with the limo driver. Lily smiled as she got in. "I'm going with her." Lily tells Annie as Matt got in beside her and Lucas beside Renee. "We'll be with her."


"Just find my dad and Luke." Renee said as they started leaving.

Matt kissed Lily on the head making her smiled.
Lily was holding Renee's hand as Matt and Lucas were panicking in a way. "Boys, why don't you go outside. I'll stay with Renee." Matt nodded and kissed her before walking out. "Watch me and breathe." Renee started doing exactly what Lily was doing. Lily grabbed cold wet rag and dabbed the sweat off her head.

"Thank you Lily."

"I helped Annie so I'll be here."

Renee nodded.
Later on Lucas walked back in as Matt didn't want to just to see Lily helping Renee deliver her baby. She looked to see her brother. "Where's Luke?"

"We can't find him."

Matt closed his eyes and walked back out. "I got this Lucas." Lily tells him as Renee screamed again as she pushed. Lily held her hand. "Breathe, Renee." She instructed as Renee nodded.

Lily listened to the doctors and heard a baby cry and smiled. As she saw the baby. "Renee, she's beautiful." Lily tells her. Matt walked in and smiled as he saw the baby and looked at Lily. Lily looked at him smiling.
Lily walked into the house tired as Matt went to talk to Mary. She walked in her room and grabbed her picture frame of her parents and smiled as a tear fell out. Lucas walked in and sat with his sister and hugged her. "They would be proud of us."

"I think they are." Lily tells him. The two smiled at the picture and knew everything was going to be alright.

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now