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Lily smiled as she walked downstairs. She saw a Matt getting coffee as she walked in and kissed his cheek. "Morning." Lucas smiled at his sister as she sat down. Lily felt Matt behind her and shook her head. "I'm not that hungry this morning." She tells him as she took a piece of toast. "I have a busy schedule."


"None of your business, Lucas." Lily said as Matt laughed. Lily smacked his arm smiling. "Don't."
Later, Lily was helping Annie as Matt kissed her. "So Lucy has a hot date." Lily looked at him as he started getting something out of the fridge. She shook her head.

"Matt, leave your sister alone." Lily tells him as he laughed. She turned when she saw Eric. "So what should we do tonight."

"I'm still trying to get the car." He said making her smile. "You go get dressed and I'll see if I can get things going."

Lucas watched the two kiss before Lily ran to get dressed. "So Eric, when can we have the car."

Matt shook his head and smiled knowing how Lucas was. Once Lily walked down, she saw Annie's face. "Is something wrong, Annie."

"Mom isn't coming."

Lily hugged Matt knowing how hard it was for him not driving. "What if you two can help me deliver the meals on wheels?" Matt smiled at the idea as Lucas immediately agreed. "He has a date?"

"Yep." Lily rolled her eyes as she walked away knowing that this was all Lucas cared about Matt noticed and kissed her head. "Don't worry about it because we can finally go on that date we've been talking about." Lily kissed him before running off to get her bag for school. Matt looked at his family and smiled. "What?"

"You two are in love."

"Mom, I've loved lily since she moved here." Matt said as he walked away.
Matt and Lily stood by the car making out when Mary arrived. She groaned, but that didn't separate them. Mary shook her head and reached the car just for her to clear her throat. Lucas sighed as he looked at Mary. Lily never noticed her brother and friend watching her. "Guys! Come on!"

Matt pulled away from Lily and looked at Lucas. "Really?"

"We have to go." Lucas and Mary said.

"We have the back seat." Lily tells him. They walked to the car and got in the back just to continue making out.

"Seriously?" Lucas said as he pulled out.
Lucas gave out the dinners as Lily and Matt waited. "Is he really wanting to continue what he started with that girl from school."

"Yep." Matt said as he kissed her again. "Maybe we can?"

Lily laughed as they started kissing when Lucas got in the car. "Great, just what I needed to see." He said. "Again!"
Lily and Matt followed Lucas into the diner. "And there he goes." Matt laughed at Lily as the two walked over. "Hey, you wouldn't mind me getting an ice cream."

"Of course not, Lily." The blonde said as she went to get an ice cream for her. "You know that you and Matt are really cute together."

"Thanks." Lily and Matt said.

"Here you go." She said as she went to finish what she was doing. "Let's go back to the van."

Lily and Matt walked out laughing as the two shared the ice cream. Lily stopped when she saw a homeless guy and looked at Matt. Lily smiled as she watched Matt hand over money to him. "That was so sweet."

"Well, he need something to eat." Matt tells her making lily walk over and kiss him.

"That's what made me fall for you, Matt Camden." Lily said. Matt smiled as he kissed her. Lily opened the back of the van and got in with Matt. All they care about was just them. Not even when Lucas and his date got in.

The two didn't know that the van was rolling till they hit something. "What just happened?" Lily asked scared.

Lucas looked and knew they were in a lot of trouble.
Lily stood in Matt's arms knowing this won't end well. Eric showed up making her get in the back and wait for Matt and Lucas. She sighed as she knew this was more of Lucas than Matt's since he was driving. "So we can go?" She asked once Matt got in.

That night, Lily walked downstairs and laid beside Matt. "Hey."

"Hey." She replied as she cuddled up to him. Matt kissed her head and laid back down with her as they fell asleep not knowing that Annie's mother passed.

Sorry it's short, but I cried watching the episode as I wrote this chapter.

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