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Lily walked into the kitchen with dust on her head. "Do you by any chance know where your boyfriend and brother are?" Annie asked. Lily raised an eyebrow looking at them confused. "There's my answer."

"Should I know..."

"Besides you not showing up for church, Matt and Lucas haven't showed either." Eric tells her.

Lily nodded as she coughed. "I'm going back to cleaning." She said as she went back to work.

"She is working her self to death." Mary said. "I hate to see her do this."

"She does it because she wants to."
Next morning, Lily was fixing her hair as she was getting ready for school. She walked down looking tired and heard Simon telling someone about letting a pregnant dog out. "Simon." She mumbled.

Matt kissed her. "Hey."

"Does he think that..."


Lily nodded as she sat down and started to look through her backpack to make sure she had everything. She heard Eric making Matt grab her. "Let's go."

"Are you going to tell me..."

Lily walked in the office with Mary to see Matt and Lucas. "Let's go." Mary said.

Matt looked at Lily and sighed as he knew she was not too happy with what he was doing. "The four of you go." She heard.

Matt grabbed Lily as they walked away. "Matt..."

"You're about to see why." He tells her.

Lily was confused as they got in the car and drove off. She was just going to ask what was wrong since he looked stressed. She kissed him since Lucas was driving and laid down as they kissed.
The four arrived at an house and looked at one another as Lucas knocked."Mrs. Bink!" Lucas said as he touched her arm and woke up to see Lily and Mary.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"You called us at school. Are you okay?" Matt asked.

"Who are they?"

"I'm Mary, Matt's sister."

"Lily, I'm Lucas's sister."

"Ah that's right, I remember you two."

Lily watched as Mrs. Bink explained what happened. Lily rolled her eyes and walked out not wanting to hear another word. "Matt kicked me out."

"Figures." She replies.

Matt walked out making Lily look at him. "So now what."

"We're going to pretend none of this happened."

"Works for me." Lily said as she walked to the car. "Don't you ever hide something from me ever again."

Matt nodded as they all left.
They arrived at the house and Lily walked straight upstairs. She was not too happy about Matt's secret. Matt sighed as he knew she was upset with him.
That night, Lily smiled as she looked at the puppies. Matt kissed her head. She heard Eric and sighed. "I'm so not getting into this, because you will just lie your way out of it like always."

Annie watched Lily leave and looked back at them.
Lily stood looking through her bag as she heard the phone ringing and sighed. "And there he goes. Lying once again."

Matt heard what she said and sighed knowing he was making a mistake and looked at Lucas. "She'll forgive you." Lucas said.

He looked back at her and sighed. "I hope so."
That night, Lily was eating as Lucy ran off. She sighed as she got the girl a gift. Matt looked at her knowing she hasn't said a word. "I'll clean the dishes."

Matt was helping her before the phone rang. "Lily." Matt said as Lucas walked in.

"We need to go."

"Where?" Lily asked.

"More secrets."

Lily looked at Matt as Lucas explained about Mrs. Bink. "Lily, I'm so sorry for lying."

"It's whatever." She said walking out of the kitchen.

Lucas sighed as Matt walked out with Eric to the hospital.
Lily smiled as she knew Lucy will like her party that was going to happen. Matt apologized to Lily making her happy. "I'm glad you see it that way."

"So Luce, are you ready for cake and presents."

Lily smiled as she looked at Matt. They all moved to the living room for Lucy to be surprised. "She likes it." She said as Lucas.

Matt grabbed Lily's hand and started dancing with her. She laughed as danced. She was glad things went the way it should have went.
Lucas walked in Lily's room and smiled. "Your still mad at me."

"No." She said as he grabbed her hand. "Let's go to Lucy."

The two walked in and smiled as Lucy saw them. "I wanted to give something that meant the world to me." She said as she took the bracelet off. "This was the first gift I ever gotten."


"I wanted you to have this." She said giving her the bracelet. "I want you to have this as your parents gave it to me on my thirteenth birthday. So I'm giving it to you."

"Thanks, Lily."

Lily moved back for Annie as Matt kissed Lily. "I'm glad to have you."

"So am I."

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now