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Lily smiled as she was downstairs cooking breakfast knowing the Camden children especially the youngest three. She heard them and laughed. "Matt! I need your help." She said as she walked upstairs knowing Matt heard her. Matt walked out just to bump into the blonde. "Ow."

"Sorry, Lily." He said trying not to blush as he helped her up.

"It's fine Matt." She tells him as they walked to Eric and Annie's room not knowing they were still holding hands. Lily let Matt knock just for them to hear Mary calling them in. "So this is where everyone disappeared to."

Mary smirked at their hands, but the two didn't acknowledge her. "Yeah." Lucy responded trying to hold back her giggles. Annie looked and smiled. She knew the two always had feelings especially since she started living with them as her brother moved in with their uncle.

"Guys, it's Saturday." Matt said. Each one looked at one another confused.

"They sleep in." Lily tells them making them go. "Breakfast is on the table!"

Annie smiled at the two. Eric looked at them as they were leaving. "Thanks." Lily and Matt smiled as they walked out. The two looked at one another and laughed as the went to eat.

"It won't be long." Annie says as Eric nodded.
Lily smiled as she hugged her brother. "I thought you weren't going to be here."

"Well, I have something to tell you."

"You have a date with the senior." Lily tells him making Mary huff. "I thought you were playing pool with Matt and a Eric."

"Not tonight." Lily looked at him. "I'll help you and Mary."

"Whatever." Lily said as she walked out of the dining room. Matt looked at his friend shaking his head knowing he would need to talk to Lily.
Lily was outside with Mary practicing when they stop to look at their brothers. Lily walked over and took the cigarette out of Matt's hand just for her to place it in her mouth surprising her best friend, Matt, and Lucas. "What?"

"When did this happen?"

"I blame Matt." Lily said as Matt started chasing her making her laugh. Lily ran as far as she could just for Matt to grab her. "No fair."

"Hey, you told."

"Mary questioned you so why not blame you." Lily said. Lily looked and saw Lucas and Mary kissing. "Well, I didn't see that coming and now I feel awkward."

Before Matt could say something Lily walked in. He looked back at his sister and friend. He realized that Lily has never kissed anyone. "Lily!" He said as he ran in.

Lily heard and ran to her room. Matt caught up to her. Before she could shut her door, Matt stuck his foot in. "Matt, please."

"Lily, I know you never had your first kiss. I'm sorry for not catching on a few minutes ago." Lily looked between the crack to see Matt.

"I forgive you." She said. Lily opened her door for Matt and took a seat. Matt shut the door and sat beside her. "I never knew what it's like to be kissed because I'm waiting for the right one. Plus I'm focusing on giving guidance."

"Lily, you are so beautiful. Even down to your heart." He said as he placed his hand near her heart. "Your a gift that I don't think I would take back and neither my family." Lily smiled. "Lily, your doing what believed in."

"Matt, can you be my first kiss?" She asked him with a blush. Matt couldn't believe his ears and blushed. Lily wants him to be her first kiss. Since they've known each other, Lily was always the love of Matt's life and always thanked God for giving him Lily Hartman.

Matt leaned in and kissed her. Lily closed her eyes as they kissed. Lily and Matt continued kissing not noticing Ruthie watching.
The next day, Lily sat with Matt. Since yesterday, they've stayed by one another's side and kissed when no one was looking. Lily had her head on Matt's shoulder as they watched Eric start the service. When he brought up seasons, Lucy ran out making Lily and Matt look at her. "Should I..."

"Let mom handle it."
Later that day, Lily walked in the kitchen as Matt and Lucas was talking. "Lily is also curious and I for one think my sister should date someone older than her."

Matt looked at him as did Lily. "No. There is only one and you know that." Lily said as she ran out.

"Lily!" Matt said as he chased after her.

"It's Matt that she wants. Is it?" Lucas asked Eric and Annie who smiled and nodded.
Lily walked out to see Matt waiting for her and Annie. "Hey."

Matt kissed Lily without saying a word making her smile. Lily pulled back and hugged him. "Are we really going to help her?"


"She can be hateful."
Lily sat in the back of the car. She was ready to snap at the lady. She forgot her name. "Can this be over?" Matt laughed.
Lily and Matt was in her room kissing as Mary and Lucas fought a little. "Should we see what the commotion is about?"

"Yeah and I have to break the news that I got fired." Lily laughed as she kissed him.
Lily smiled as she was reading till her brother sat beside her. "Yes Lucas."

"What's going on between you and Matt?"

"Nothing." Lily said as she continued to read.

"Sneaking around kissing one another. That's nothing?" Lily looked at him. "Lily, I know your in love with Matt just like he is with you. I know he will take good care of you."

Lily looked at him and sighed. "Fine. I am in love with him."

"Than just tell him."

Lily looked at her brother and back at her book. "I don't know." She said looking down with tears in her eyes. That was the one thing she couldn't say.
Lily smiled as she watched Simon and Ruthie playing with Happy. She walked down there not knowing her brother and Matt were watching. "I might stay here instead. Lily needs me."

"Lucas, mom and dad will love that." Matt said. "I know this isn't really what you wanted to talk about."

"Tell my sister that your in love with her."

"She doesn't..."

"Yes she does." Lucas tells him. "Please tell her."

Matt started thinking about what Lucas said and walked over to Lily and Ruthie. "She has a beautiful name." Lily tells them as Ruthie ran in making her laugh. "I think I know why she's happy."

"Why?" Simon and Lucas asked.

"She's having puppies." Matt answers for Lily making her look at him and smile. She heard Lucy, Mary and Ruthie as they came out. Lily looked at Matt as the got tackled. The two smiled and grabbed each other's hand.

Don't know when they should get together, but Lucas will be in this now so Lily can have at least a family she cares about.

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