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The one thing Lily and Matt didn't want to do was go to the airport. They had plans for a date, but they had to get Annie's father. So, Lily dragged her twin with her causing him to grumble all the way to the airport. "After this, we will have our date, Lily."

"I know, Matt. It's great that we get to see your grandfather after months. Wonder how he is doing." She says till she realized her brother was missing. "Lucas has left the building."

"No. He has a thing for that girl right there." He pointed out not seeing his grandfather and a lady that is with him.

Lily smiled as she saw her brother become smitten with that girl. She smiled as he brought her over. "Lily, meet Heather."

The blonde smiled as she knew, the girl was deaf. "Hello, Heather, I'm Lily and that is my boyfriend Matt." She signed shocking her.

"You can sign?"

"A little." She signed back while talking. "I can help my brother learn."

Heather smiled as she had someone who can understand her. Matt walked over and turned Lily around to see Matt's grandfather with a woman. She looked at him as she knew. Annie was not going to be happy with this at all.
Sometime that day, Matt being true to his word, took Lily on her date. He took her on a walk around the park. "We haven't done this in a long time." She tells him. "Going for a walk."

"Hey, we have to walk home."

"Yeah, but we haven't gotten the time to ourselves in a while. I like it." She tells him. "What do you want to do after high school?"

"Go wherever you go."

She smiled as she kissed his cheek. They turned around to head home. "I've been thinking about being an ob/gyn doctor. I like helping people and knowing some of the women in this world who might need help with kids and I want to provide that." She tells him.

"I am still thinking about what I want, but being an ob/gyn doctor doesn't sound bad."

"You'll find out soon."

Matt smiled as he put his arm around her as they walked. They weren't too far from the house. Lily saw Annie running out of the house causing her to look and see a car. The blonde didn't think twice as she ran from Matt to push Annie out of the way. "Lily!" Matt cried out as she got hit by the car.

Mary ran and stopped seeing her best friend in the middle of the road with Matt running to her. "Dad!" She called out as she ran to her mom and brother who were crying over Lily.

Matt held the blonde in his arms as Eric ran to help them with Lily. Hearing sirens, Matt knew. "I'm riding with her. Someone find Lucas and tell him what is happening." He said with tears falling. "I'm not leaving her side."

"And I won't either." Annie tells him. "She saved my life."

Matt looked at the blonde. "I love you, Lily. Please God, don't let her die."

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now