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Valentine's Day was one of Lily's favorite holiday's. Especially now that she is with Matt. Lucas looked at his sister as she sat reading her book, he walked over to her. "Breakfast, Lils."

"Oh. Sorry." She tells her brother as she stood up.

"What are you reading?"

"It's a romance book, but I have been looking for ideas on what to get Matt for Valentine's day." She tells him. "I want it to be special."

Lucas nodded as they walked into the kitchen. Matt smiled as he watched Lily sit down as they listened to Annie and Eric talk about going camping. She didn't say anything as she started eating. When they were offered to watch the others, Matt denied. "Mom, John, Lucas, and I have dates, Valentine dates.' He said looking at the blonde beside him as she looked at him.

"I didn't know anything about this." She said as she looked at her brother. "Why didn't you tell me?'


"We can't break them at the last minute. Especially me. I have something to give to Lily tonight."

Lily looked at Matt causing her to smile as she wondered what he got her. Annie wasn't happy that her plan for Valentine's day may not go through. "Let's go." Matt tells her as they stood up. "Let's go to school."

"Matt, I have something to give you tonight, but first, you need to drop me off at the mall. I can call for Lucas to come and get me."

"Are you sure?"

"Matt, I don't want you ruining your gift."

Matt sighed as he was hoping to see it, but will wait for tonights date.
At school, Lily walked across the school yard causing Matt to see her. "I need to have this date.' Matt tells John and Lucas as he pulled a box out. "I want to give her this tonight."

Lucas saw a ring and looked at him. "Are you..."

"No." He said. "It's a promise ring."

"What is the promise?" John asked.

"To love her for the rest of our lives."

Lucas shook his head. "Think better." He tells him. "You two made that promise when we were eight. Time to think of a new promise."

Matt sighed as he had to think of that and talk to his sister. He really wanted this date to happen. "Fine. I will talk to Mary with Lucas's help. Right now, I'm going to go make out with the love of my life."

Lucas shook his head with John. "That boy."

"If you only knew the story a bit more."
Lily smiled as she had the perfect gift. A promise ring to be his, to wait till marriage, and to love one another forever.
Lily found the perfect dress causing Matt to walk in. "Hey." He said walking in. "Are you excited for tonight?"

"I just want it to be you and me. Lucas and John will be here." She says as she put her arms around him.

"We have the kitchen or your room."

Lily kissed him causing him to smiled. "I'll be right back." He said as he ran to help Simon with the puppy's.

The blonde pulled the ring that she got for Matt smiling. She hopes that tonight goes as good as they thought it would.
Matt smiled as he heard Lucas and John with their dates. Lily stood in the living room as a party was happening causing Matt to walk in and see everything. She walked over to him. "Don't say a word and let's have a bit of fun." She tells him.

"Just for a bit. I would like to be alone with you." He said making her smile.

Lily grabbed Matt and dragged him away so they could dance together. Lucas and John so them dancing together. Matt kissed Lily as they continued to have fun. Lucas and John sat with their dates causing them to see Matt and Lily kissing. "Someone's having fun." John says.

Lucas sighed as they watched till they saw people with beer. "Matt, we have an issue." Lucas said causing Matt to walk away from Lily causing her to wait for him.

A guy walked over to her causing her to roll her eyes and walk away. "Oh come on, baby."

"Don't call me baby." She tells him. "There's only one man here that I'm with and that's Matt. So back off."

Matt stood there smiling as Lily left. "She's mine." Was all he said when he saw the cop.

"What's wrong, officer?"

"Lily, does Simon own a white dog?"


"She's been hit."

Lily looked at the cop as he walked in. She looked at Lucas hurt that Happy was hit. He walked over to his sister and hugged her.
Lily stood in Matt's arms as Happy was in the hospital. "Matt, we need to tell Simon."

"We'll go." He said.

Lily walked out of the hospital just in time for Matt to walk out with the sergeant. "She's going to be okay." He tells her.

"Tonight was a disaster."
When they got home, Lily went straight to her room. "Lily, I'll be up there in a bit. Tonight isn't over for us."

The blonde saw Simon. "Actually. I'll help you tell him."

"Tell me what?"

"Happy has been in an accident." Lily tells him with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Simon."

"Is she okay?"

"Dr. Moore is keeping an eye on her."

Lily watched as Simon started screaming for Happy and blaming them for not watching Happy. Lily hugged Simon as he started crying causing her to cry with him. "Let's take him, Matt." She tells him. "Please."

Matt nodded as they took Simon to the hospital. Lily stood near the door watching Simon. She walked in and hugged him as he cried. Matt walked in causing Lily to look at him and shake her head. They knew that Happy wasn't okay. "I love you." Lily mouths causing Matt to smile.

"I love you."
Lily saw everyone causing her to look at her brother. Lucas hugged her. "Hey, it's not your fault."

"I always watch Happy and..."

Matt walked over to her and hugged her. "I'll be right back." Matt tells her.

"Matt, here." She gives him his gift before sitting down.

Matt opened the box to see a ring and read the note. He looked at her and smiled before going in.
Before he fell asleep, he slipped the promise ring he got her on. He put his arms around her and kissed her head as he fell asleep.
"Matt! Lily!"

The two ran into the room and saw Happy wide awake. "I'm so sorry, Happy." She said smiling as she saw a ring and looked at Matt.

"Happy Valentine's day, Lily. I promise you the future and a happy life."


"What you promised too." He tells her as he kissed her.

Simon looked at them smiling and hugged Happy. Everything was going to be okay.

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