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Lily listened to Matt tell a scary story since Halloween was coming. As he told the story, Lily laid her head against him knowing how the story ends. She heard the door open making them all scream out. Lily hid her face in Matt's chest just to here Eric. "Bad timing, Eric."

"What's going on?" Eric asked.

Lily looked at her brother and boyfriend. "Telling stories." Simon answered making Lily give him a look. Simon looked away from Lily and back at his dad.

"I'm gone to bed." She says kissing Matt than Ruthie's head. "Don't forget there's school."
The next morning, Lily was in the shower when she heard the toilet flush. "Out!" She screamed out.


Lily looked to see Simon, Mary, Lucas, and a blushing Matt. Mary smirked as she left causing Lucas to cover his and Simon's eyes before leaving. Matt looked at her. "I didn't know you were in the shower."

"Lucas used the bathroom?"

"Yeah he thought it was Mary till she came back in to finish brushing her hair." Matt said as he handed her a towel.

"Thank you." She said as she wrapped up and got out. Lily noticed Matt was still there and gave him a kiss. "Out." Matt nodded and left. Lily giggled as she started to get ready.
Lily and Matt walked over to Lucas and Mary. "What's going on?" Lily asked.

"I'm trying to see if I should ask her out." Lucas tells her.

Matt looked at Roxanne and back at Lily. "She just got out of a relationship, but if you want to than go for it."

Matt smiled proudly. Lily gave her brother the okay. "You are one amazing girl." Lily looked up and smiled at him just as Roxanne walked over.

"Hello, Matthew and Lily." She replies to the couple.

"Hi Roxanne." Lily said as she dragged him away. "Let's leave them alone and find our secret spot."

"Have I told that I love you."

"Too many times."
Lily was smiling as she was doing her homework. Lily smiled as Matt was taking her to the dance. Lucas walked in and sat down beside his sister. "I'm taking Roxanne to the dance."

"That's good." She says as she worked on an assignment.

"What are you going as?"

"An Angel." Lily replies.

Lucas smiled knowing that's exactly what everyone sees in Lily. An Angel. Matt smiled at the image in his head of Lily being an angel.
Lily smiled as her and Matt walked together. "I don't care if you go as a hobo. I can be your guardian angel." She tells him as he kissed her head. "I think Lucas's plan isn't going to work."

"Why's that?"

Lily pointed at Lucas and Roxanne talking about the costume. Matt shook his head and walked away with Lily.
Lily smiled as she stood in her mirror fixing her hair in the mirror. Matt walked in and smiled. She never noticed as she was still getting dressed. "So this is where my Angel is."

Lily turned and smiled at him. "Yes and don't you look good for a hobo." She compliments.


"Yeah." She tells him and walks out just for Annie to take pictures.

"Don't you two look cute."

Ruthie ran to Lily and hugged her. Lily bend down in front of Ruthie and smiled. "You'll find the perfect costume and you will love it." Lily said. "Trust me, I know." Ruthie smiled and left for her room.
The dance wasn't what Lily, Matt, and Lucas went to the carnival instead. Matt was talking to his parents by the time lily walked over. "She's at home." Lily laughed as she hugged Matt.

"Never fall for her tricks again." Lily smiled.

Later that night, Matt stood with Lily who had a proud smile for Lucy for getting her new friend, also known as the boogeyman, to come out and get back into what he likes to do. Everything seemed perfect for Halloween.

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